by Judy K. Katz | Feb 14, 2012 | Attracting Money, Clearing Blocks and Resistance, Conscious Transformation, Magnetic Attraction, Transform Your Relationships
I haven’t connected with you online this year, yet; I’ve been working for you intensely! Actually, I’ve been thinking about you so much that I feel I’ve been with you constantly. What have been up to? Well….I’ve been creating a 3-part complimentary video...
by Judy K. Katz | Nov 11, 2011 | Attracting Money, Clearing Blocks and Resistance, Conscious Transformation, Law of Attraction, Magnetic Attraction, Manifesting Abundance, Spiritual Empowerment, Transform Your Relationships
This is certainly a special day that won’t come around again for years. It suggests to me that this is a day of alignment, 11-11-11. Interesting too, is that 11 months from today, Oct. (10), day 11, year, 2012 is 10-11-12, more alignment. Why is this important...
by Judy K. Katz | Nov 4, 2011 | Attracting Money, Clearing Blocks and Resistance, Conscious Transformation, Law of Attraction, Magnetic Attraction, Manifesting Abundance, Spiritual Empowerment, Transform Your Relationships, Weekly Words of Wisdom
My _?_th Birthday Wish for you! 🙂 Today is a special day for me, (it’s my _?_th birthday) so I thought I would share something very important with you! I trust that you will find this extremely helpful if you desire to have more of what you are wishing for and less...
by Judy K. Katz | Oct 27, 2011 | Clearing Blocks and Resistance, Conscious Business, Magnetic Attraction, Spiritual Empowerment, Transform Your Relationships, Weekly Words of Wisdom
Weekly Words of Wisdom Q&A: Guidance, Direction, and Truth For the conscious, heart-centered business owner, entrepreneur, and professional who is most likely working way too hard to BE the best that they can BE. Master certified coach, Judy K. Katz, your...
by Judy K. Katz | Oct 20, 2011 | Attracting Money, Clearing Blocks and Resistance, Conscious Business, Magnetic Attraction, Manifesting Abundance, Weekly Words of Wisdom
Weekly Words of Wisdom Q&A: Guidance, Direction, and Truth For the conscious, heart-centered business owner, entrepreneur, and professional who is most likely working way too hard to BE the best that they can BE. Master certified coach, Judy K. Katz, your...
by Judy K. Katz | Jul 20, 2011 | Clearing Blocks and Resistance, Law of Attraction, Magnetic Attraction, Manifesting Abundance, Spiritual Empowerment
Did you know that you have an internal personal secret code to success and prosperity? It helps you become extremely attractive to your desires. In my radio interview with Cindy Briolotta and Linda Cassell, I presented how you can access your personal secret code to...
by Judy K. Katz | Jul 14, 2011 | Clearing Blocks and Resistance, Conscious Transformation, Magnetic Attraction, Spiritual Empowerment, Weekly Words of Wisdom
Weekly Words of Wisdom Q&A: Guidance, Direction, and Truth For the conscious, heart-centered business owner, entrepreneur, and professional who is most likely working way too hard to BE the best that they can BE. Master certified coach, Judy K. Katz, your...
by Judy K. Katz | Jul 8, 2011 | Clearing Blocks and Resistance, Conscious Business, Conscious Transformation, Magnetic Attraction, Spiritual Empowerment, Weekly Words of Wisdom
Weekly Words of Wisdom Q&A: Guidance, Direction, and Truth For the conscious, heart-centered business owner, entrepreneur, and professional who is most likely working way too hard to BE the best that they can BE. Master certified coach, Judy K. Katz, your...
by Judy K. Katz | Apr 13, 2011 | Clearing Blocks and Resistance, Conscious Transformation, Magnetic Attraction, Spiritual Empowerment, Weekly Words of Wisdom
Weekly Words of Wisdom Q&A: Guidance, Direction, and Truth for the conscious, heart-centered business owner, entrepreneur, and professional who is most likely working way too hard to BE the best that they can BE. Master certified coach, Judy K. Katz, your...
by Judy K. Katz | Mar 30, 2011 | Attracting Money, Conscious Transformation, Law of Attraction, Magnetic Attraction, Spiritual Empowerment, Weekly Words of Wisdom
Weekly Words of Wisdom Q&A: Guidance, Direction, and Truth for the conscious, heart-centered business owner, entrepreneur, and professional who is most likely working way too hard to BE the best that they can BE. Master certified coach, Judy K. Katz, your...
by Judy K. Katz | Mar 7, 2011 | Conscious Business, Conscious Transformation, Magnetic Attraction, Manifesting Abundance
I can’t believe it’s almost the end of February. Are you like many well-intentioned, spirit-minded entrepreneurs and professionals that still need to begin planning for this up-coming year, or at least complete what you have started? Have you thought about...
by Judy K. Katz | Jan 20, 2011 | Clearing Blocks and Resistance, Conscious Business, Conscious Transformation, Magnetic Attraction
Listen Now…. Oh yes, it’s the beginning of a new year and for many, it marks the beginning to make significant changes to improve health, get fit, get a handle on finances, increase business, improve relationships, to be a better person. . . The list goes on....