This is certainly a special day that won’t come around again for years. It suggests to me that this is a day of alignment, 11-11-11.
Interesting too, is that 11 months from today, Oct. (10), day 11, year, 2012 is 10-11-12, more alignment.
Why is this important and how does it add to you having an easier time manifesting the money, relationships, clients, love, joy, freedom, lifestyle, health and well-being that is in your heart to receive?
Plenty! In fact, it has everything to do with EASE and FLOW. When your subconscious mind (your emotions, beliefs, identity, and your non-verbal body language) vibrationally aligns with your heart’s desires, you will experience the magic of the people, places, resources, and divine guidance for perfect right action to line up and synchronistically come together for you to realize your desires!
Now, you might know this, but do you really live this? Do you know how to align with your heart’s desires really? If you’re tired of tolerating not having what you truly desire, you don’t want to miss what I have for you!
I’ve created a special program that I am re-introducing on this special day of alignment, Make It REAL, Turn Your Unbelievable Dreams Into Believable REALities NOW!
This program will take you through 4 easy steps that will help you align your subconscious mind (90% of the power) with your heart’s desires in a simple, yet profound step-by-step process.
It is not enough to just know the “how to” information when it comes to your transformation, particularly if you want to live the life experiences that you really want.
You MUST do the work and do it daily. This program guides you to simply do just that.
Interested and want to learn more? Go to Make It REAL. I look forward to you living the life you were meant to live as an abundant, joyful, thriving, healthy individual, living your life fully each and every day!
“Dream it, own it, and make it REAL