Relationship Brilliance
Intuitive, heart-centered, coaching, consulting, and mentoring.
Do you really know what is keeping you from “Loving Your Life” right now? Personally speaking, from my own past experiences with difficult and painful marriages, family traumas, and being plagued with an over-all paralyzing fear of strangers, I can definitely say, relationships are a vehicle for experiencing heaven or hell on earth.The surest path to feeling love, connection, freedom, and joy is to become divinely powerful and influential in all of your relationships. Relationship is the fabric of your life. You exist within the context of relationship in all areas of your personal and business life. It’s everything!
One question that every heart-centered, conscious-evolving individual eventually must ask is, “Could my relationship struggles, conflicts, frustrations, and disappointments with others have something to do with my own internal beliefs, reactions, and perspectives?” The short answer is, “YES!”
I know, who would normally think to ask this question of themselves, right? Would you? My guess is, probably not, at least not in the beginning of your struggles. I didn’t for many years. Unfortunately, without this inquiry, your relationship struggles will recur over and over again. And, they’ll only get worse.
I had three painful marriages in which I experienced betrayals and conflicts, all of which ended in bitter divorces. I finally asked ‘that one’ crucial question of myself. I had to face the cold reality that I was the common denominator within all of my relationship failures and painful disappointments. What I came to realize, after looking deep within, was that the fearful survival part of me was creating havoc in my life.
Discovering and releasing the internal root cause of my pain and suffering was the beginning of my liberation and connection to my authentic, powerful Self. This was the beginning of my relationship miracles!
My mission is to help people transform their painful adversities, conflicts, betrayals, and setbacks into joyful, miraculous comebacks.
You can “Love Your Life, Again!”

Judy K. Katz, MCC, author
Relationship Specialist
So, what do I mean by “Your Relationship Shadow” and why is it so important to discover?
Shadow is a term that was originally introduced by the Swiss psychiatrist, Carl Jung, in the early 1900’s. He referred to the shadow as the dark, unwanted aspects of human beings that we do not accept and that we don’t emotionally want to feel.
Because of the resistance to these parts of ourselves that we don’t accept or that we are not aware of, we will attract people and situations into our lives that exhibit these very qualities. The energy of Resistance has a powerful attraction quality to it.
Due to the nature of these repressed [shadow] energy habit-patterns, we’ll tend to project onto others what we cannot accept in ourselves. This is a defensive way we protect ourselves from looking at the truth. Unfortunately, these projections create conflicts and huge upsets in our relationships.
How Do Your Relationship Shadows Show Up In Your Life?
- Your shadows show up in your personal relationships, particularly your closest ones. They look like the people who make you crazy, angry, upset, or just frustrate the heck out of you!
- They are people who just don’t appreciate you.
- They criticize and find fault with you.
- They show up in your work relationships as the co-workers, employees, or employers who won’t cooperate with you.
- They can be the people who seemingly have a chip on their shoulder or they are indifferent and aloof, you know, the ones that you vowed you would never be like.
- Your shadows show up in your business relationships as your most difficult clients. They can cause you to have very few clients or no clients at all.
- They can appear as the people who seemingly act like they’re better than you, or they’re the ones for whom you think you’re better than they.
The most amazing thing is, their shadows show up in you, as well! This is a #1 cause of divorce for many unknowing couples today. It is the reason many people quit their jobs untimely, which creates havoc in their financial lives.
Please, don’t let this happen to you!
Find out what it takes to be in your authentic power when the going gets tough. Learn how to have peace, strength, and freedom within your relationships that are seemingly holding you hostage, depleting your energy, and robbing you of a future that you want to live.
Where are you now? You might be in one of two places:
- You have recently experienced a serious setback from an adversity or an unwanted change with your partner, lover, or spouse. You’re feeling powerless to turn things around and you feel victimized by what’s happened.
- Maybe your partner, lover, or spouse left you for another. You feel betrayed, hurt, angry, confused, or rejected. You might fear that you’ll be alone forever. You just can’t seem to shake off what has happened to you.
- You might have finally come to a decision that it is time to leave your partner or spouse after years of tolerating a loveless relationship that died long ago, yet you have had a very difficult time bringing it to an end. You’re feeling sad, guilty, and worried about your future without the familiarity or companionship of your spouse or partner being around.
- You deeply desire to be in an intimate relationship, yet, past relationship hurts and failures are keeping you from opening up to love again. Your heart is closed; yet, you are truly ready to let love in again! The fear is just too great!
- You feel that you are too old and not attractive enough to have ‘Mr./Ms. Right’ be interested in you. You’re comparing yourself with others. You’re being very critical and judgmental of yourself. It is very painful for you to feel inferior to other people.
- You are trying hard to pretend that you don’t care; yet, you know you want to attract your soulmate more than anything.
What level of support do you want and need?
If you’re anything like me, I spent so much of my life thinking that I had to take care of myself, believing that I couldn’t trust others to help me and certain that no one would “have my back”. This, of course, came from very old conditioning from my past. Unfortunately, this thinking did not serve me in my adult years, at all. My internal resistance blinded me from seeing the truth of the root cause for my relationship challenges, pain, and suffering. I had to reach out for help, and I’m so thankful I did.
This level of transformation is not found outside of yourself. It is a deep inward journey that requires a guide who knows how to navigate this unique terrain: your subconscious survival self and its internal resistance to change.
Private Transformational Coaching, Mentoring, and Training for Conscious Relationship Brilliance
To discover if my private transformational 3-6 month coaching, mentoring, and training programs or packages are what can most benefit what you want and need right now, I invite you to schedule a free consultation appt. with me.
Together we will determine if what I offer will MOST benefit you at this time in your life. I will be honest in letting you know if you are a perfect candidate for my transformational offerings. You will come away with clarity about what you need to rise above your current circumstances, turn them around, and soar into the life you were meant to live.
Give yourself an opportunity to experience miracles in your life. You deserve them, you are meant to have them!
What others are saying. . .
“I will always be eternally grateful to Judy.”
“I am sure, as you read this, you will have a moment of de ja vu and say “I’ve been there!” If you were lucky, like me, you had Judy to help you begin a new path; if not, you need to call her!
I had fallen into a deep abyss with no hope of climbing out. Judy not only threw me a ladder, but she descended into that abyss with me and pushed me up, always ready to catch me if I fell. Once she helped me learn not to resist my flaws and fears, I was able to discover my strengths.
I began to accept myself and use the tremendous power I had within to truly create a lifestyle of health, promise, and abundance. I will always be eternally grateful to her.”
—Janie Kramer
Realtor, Listings Manager
Albuquerque, New Mexico
“With Judy, I have learned to recognize what really matters and to become aware of exciting possibilities. I am consciously living for the first time. Today I am writing a new story from this place. I’m living a truly abundant life.
I have learned to trust, to communicate more genuinely, to listen with all that I have and to enrich my overall way of ‘being in the world.’ I honestly believe now that anything is possible. Believe me, Judy is an absolute gem who can support you through your most difficult moments and will take life from ordinary to extraordinary.
I am so truly grateful for Judy’s work with me. She has touched my soul and has touched my spirit. This has allowed me to travel back to myself and build the most wonderful relationship with the self inside of me that yearns to be cared for and loved.
I often say to my dearest friends, the relationship that takes the most work is the one wherein we fall deeply back into love with our self. One in which we cherish all the remarkable shadows and habits that have protected us for so, so long.
Judy K. Katz is my mentor, my coach, my friend, the nurturing touch, the one that gets me, the me in you, the you in me. What words can I ever find to express the gratitude and the joy that her work has brought back into my being.”
—Nancy LaSalle Calgary, AB, Canada
“My time with Judy has been one of my greatest Blessings!”
“While working with Judy I began to understand that the real me, the core of who I am was not the person I was walking through this life with. It was just an image I created to get through. Through my work with Judy I began learning to take responsibility for the way things were in my life, to be compassionate with myself and others. To understand that this life isn’t just doing the work and leaving, but learning the essence of who I am, learning that I have a Soul, a beautiful Soul that was trying to help, trying to guide, but unable, because of my determination to prove that I was right and everyone else was wrong.
As I sat in her office week after week things became clearer. Life became beautiful and even had color! I developed a stronger understanding of others as human beings not just objects in my way. She helped me tap into that part of myself that I now listen very carefully to. That I honor.
My time with Judy has been one of my greatest Blessings. She challenged me, helped me, loved me and supported me. I developed a deep trust in the work and the lessons I was learning from her that enabled me to shed the image I had created. Stand in who I am and actually FEEL for the first time, ever. I felt me, I felt my feelings and most importantly I felt Love! I am eternally grateful for my coaching with Judy.”
—Patricia Perez,
Albuquerque, NM
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