Beyond Your Shadows of Doubt: Ascend Out of Fear and Conflict
Into Confidence and Authentic Power
Judy K. Katz, author
Melt Your Resistance to Fear and Embrace Your Creative Power.
Discover the magic and miracles that come from releasing your resistance to “what is.” Learn how to live consciously from your authentic, creative power and awaken to the divine human that you are. This is a spiritual journey into the power of love and transformation.
Judy shares her very personal story of transformation out of her “dark night of the soul.” Her story will deeply inspire you to awaken from and release your past conditioning, particularly that which came from any past adversities as a child.
You will discover how to be the primary authority and influence using magnetic attraction in your life, not to have your circumstances or other people dictate or limit you. You will gain an expanded perspective that will give you the keys to activate your authentic power and to enter into your creative, divine kingdom.
As a result of having read this book, you will come away with so many practical ways that are a MUST to implement for you to enter into your “creative kingdom” of miracles and manifestations.
Currently available at Judy’s book, and at http://www.beyondyourshadowsofdoubt.com
and directly from Amazon.com in paperback and for Kindle.
Special Bonus Offer: Access to Judy’s Free Mp3 Audio Guided Meditation, “Connecting With Spirit”
Praise for Beyond Your Shadows of Doubt!
“This book was given to me as a gift and what a gift it was! This book is an inspiring story of a very personal journey revealing immense vulnerability of inner conflict and struggles that most people can easily identify with and personally relate to. Not only does this provide new found awareness, but it also provides the recipe for making the changes within us to transform the inner shadows that influence our outer beliefs and behaviors to help us break free and allow us to achieve our dreams and desires.”
~Wendy Kerkhoff, Calgary, Canada
“For those of us who have been through some of the challenges shared in this book, it’s truly inspiring to see proof that our negative past experiences don’t have to determine our future. I love the tools provided in the book on how to become aware of and transform the negative patterns and belief systems that are causing the fear, stress, and anxiety we experience. This personal story of the power of love, forgiveness, faith, and the determination to never give up, gives me hope that it is possible to release the reactive and destructive patterns that cause us to struggle in life. I loved this book and highly recommend it as a helpful, easy-to-follow guide to creating a happier, more fulfilling life!”
~SPearson, NM
“It is hard to put into a few words my wholehearted recommendation for Judy’s book and work. As a fellow Master Coach and author Save Your Inner Tortoise!: Learn How to Cross the Finish Line Joyful and Satisfied it is often hard to face my own shadows of doubt. (I should know and be better!!!???!!!) What I always learn from Judy is that when I am full of fear and doubt about something, I want to escape and ignore–hoping it will somehow go away. (Which it doesn’t.) Judy isn’t afraid of my seemingly impossible worries and anxieties. Instead she and I look at my situation from an honest and trusting place that there IS learning and transformation. Judy aptly uses of the word “ascend” in her title! She’s lived and shares her own shadows and transformation UP and OUT of her shadows. I trust few others as I trust Judy K. Katz. If you need a partner through a tough time, I highly recommend BEYOND YOUR SHADOWS OF DOUBT! Thank you Judy for your courage and commitment to us who need and benefit from your work.”
~Carol Courcy, MCC, author
“Judy’s book has been life changing for me. Judy’s process for transformation is remarkable, it works and causes lasting change. Judy’s honesty and vulnerability in this book lets us see how far in the ‘basement’ she was and how she climbed the stairs to the golden tower of her life. She acknowledges that the slope to the basement can grab us from time to time. However, the steps and lessons she gives in the book allow us to climb those stairs again. It’s such a relief to know that I have tools I can use again and again in my life and the time in the basement is shorter and shorter each time. In my chapter in the anthology, Hot Mama in High Heels, I acknowledge Judy and her process for being one of the prime keys to coming out of a time in my life when I was despondent and didn’t know how I would go on with life.”
~Barb Eisele, PCC, Tuscon, AZ.
“If the author’s intention in writing this book was to provide an escape from Plato’s Cave…Mission accomplished! The writing style is certainly unique and I came to appreciate the straightforward nature of the writing and information. Not sugar coating anything and keeping the stories and information brief and to the heart of what this amazing process can do for you.”
“I must say I’m not quite sure what I expected when I began reading, but WOW…I can say I sure didn’t expect what I got! Her process of Alchemy of the Shadow is well articulated, easy to follow, and strangely powerful. I’ve read a lot of books and been to many very good seminars, and this is one of the only books or processes I’ve ever felt compelled to review based on its immediate effectiveness. I think any person from any background, upbringing, or profession can relate to and benefit from this simple and effective process. Usually, if I do something that is beneficial to me in some way, at a seminar or from a book, the “effect” or maybe the novelty of it dissipates quickly. But having gone through the Alchemy of the Shadow process, I can say I’ve felt significantly better, more effective, confident, and at peace over the last few weeks than I did for some time prior.”
“To the author I can’t say thanks enough! To you, I say, do yourself a favor, get this book and use it.”
~T.A.O, NM
“Wow! What an amazing book! This book was not only beautifully written, but it is written in a way that is so easy to comprehend. The author’s wonderful metaphors and examples really helped the information to sink in. This book is really like reading 2 books. The first part of the book is the author’s heart- wrenching story about the struggles and adversities of her life. The second part is a very informative section that gives you the tools you need to use to truly transform your life and change your negative beliefs, no matter what experiences you’ve had in the past. She will show you exactly how to change that!”
“The second part of this book really spoke to me. It’s like the author knew exactly what I was going through and was helping me, personally! I highly recommend this book to anyone who wants to live their life to the fullest, regardless of past conditioning/experiences! I can’t express enough, how much I love this book! I now see how fear has controlled so much of my life and I am excited that I can now change that!”
~ L. Aguilar, NM
“This book and Judy’s work has transformed my life!!! I loved every single moment of the book as I could relate to each and every one of her experiences. The most powerful thing about the author sharing her life’s experience is knowing the truth that we can evolve from our experiences, shed them like old skin and become who we were meant to be in this physical world. Thank you Judy Katz for writing this wonderful book!!!!!”
~Nancy LaSalle, Calgary, Canada
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