Weekly Words of Wisdom Q and AWeekly Words of Wisdom Q&A: Guidance, Direction, and Truth

for the conscious, heart-centered business owner, entrepreneur, and professional who is most likely working way too hard to BE the best that they can BE.

Master certified coach, Judy K. Katz, your manifesting and attraction authority and mentor, answers your most pressing questions for creating a life of meaning and purpose while enjoying wealth in all areas of your business and personal life.

This week’s question comes from Arny K., Realtor 


“I sometimes have issues with keeping my thoughts positive. It is so easy to fall into that negative place. Any suggestions to quickly short circuit negative thinking?


Arny, your question is a question that I suspect a huge number of us would like to know the answer to. You have asked how to quickly short circuit negative thinking. Quickly is the key word I’m going to focus on here.

Doing anything quickly suggests that you have done it often and with lots of intentional practice. This could be why your negative thinking is so easy to fall into. You have lots of practice! Welcome to humanity. So, here’s what I have found that brings uplifting thinking quickly and easily when the negative stuff shows up…

First of all, you must decide that uplifting self talk is, in fact, what you want to experience and why. Seriously, this has to be a strong desire for you and it is important to identify why this is so very important to you. Get in touch with your strong reasons for wanting this. Discover what it’s costing you to continue allowing your negative self talk to run you down. Ask yourself these questions:

a.)   How is your negative self talk impacting your life – your personal and business relationships, your health, and your overall sense of well-being?

b.)   In what ways would uplifting, positive self talk make your life better? How would it make you feel if you were more accepting instead of berating yourself or others?  How would feeling accepted and loved by you impact your behaviors in your personal and business relationships?

Now that you have a lot of energy around your desire to experience more positive self talk on a daily basis, you must begin to deliberately practice telling yourself something kind. Get used to feeling loved and accepted, which is what being kind to yourself evokes. Become more familiar with championing yourself rather than kicking yourself with words of malice and criticism.

Now, to your point about quickly short circuiting your negative self talk. It is much easier to recognize that you have fallen into the grip of your inner bully, as I like to call this, when the bully self talk stands out from the self talk of uplifting kindness. The contrast will serve you.

The negative self talk will stand out as a bully. I do not believe that being a bully is who you want to be in your life, with yourself or anyone else. It goes against your True nature. Declare who you want to BE, love or fear?

It is your True nature to BE loving and accepting! This is what you’ll get back from others, as well!

Remember, practice becomes a habit, and as with all habits, they allow us to act quickly and without much conscious effort, if any, at all. This is how you can quickly short circuit your inner bully. Practice uplifting kindness with yourself and others, particularly when you notice the bully is sounding off. Forgive yourself and others often!

Thank you for your rich question. I know this practice of uplifting kindness will bring relief to many, myself included. You deserve it!

Love and abundance,

“Dream it, own it, and make it REAL”

P.S. This is a weekly no-cost program that is open to everyone! Each week, I’ll personally respond to a question that I believe in my heart will help the most people. (You may choose to remain anonymous if you wish.)

It is my heartfelt intention that, in answering your questions, I will provide you with perspectives and Universal Truths that, when adopted and applied in your life, will set you free to attract what you want from a place of abundance and inspiration, rather than urgency and desperation.

Simply submit YOUR pressing question to Weekly Words of Wisdom Q&A: Guidance, Direction, and Truth

P.P.S. Would you like to help me spread the word about this program? Is there someone you care about who is stuck, challenged from set backs, or who is struggling to make significant improvements in their business or personal life? If so, I would very much like to help them, too. Regardless of their predicament, their question will help many others who might be struggling with a similar challenge. This is true for you, too!