Service and Programs
Coaching and Training Programs for Spiritual Healing and Conscious Deliberate Creating
Judy’s programs and coaching methods are designed to ensure your sustainable, long-term success. We have all tried the ‘do-it-on-your-own’ approach when serious changes are needed; however, the truth is, we don’t know what we don’t know. We can’t see what is being guarded by our internal resistance to change, particularly when we are fearful because of unwanted change.
New information and flashing insights are great beginning steps; however, they are insufficient to cause significant, lasting change. Deep change and transformation are not made at the conscious level of our reasoning mind. Only by changing the subconscious root cause of our thinking, emotions, and behaviors, will we experience a dramatic impact in the quality of our lives. Only then will we realize the desires that we desperately seek.
Transformation at the deepest level of mind is what Judy’s coaching methods and programs are designed to accomplish! If you are ready to create the life you desire in your relationships, your lifestyle, your finances, or in doing what most fulfills your soul, and you are willing to experience the changes you seek from the ‘inside-out,’ you are the person that will most benefit from Judy’s programs and transformational coaching methods.
Private Transformational Coaching for Conscious Relationship Brilliance, Deliberate Attraction, Conscious Business, and Conscious Transformation:
In my 3-6-12 month private coaching, consulting, and high touch support packages, you will get the highest level of access to me that I offer. Together we will navigate the subconscious terrain of your internal world, discover and clear the negative root causes that drive your thinking, feelings, perspectives, and behaviors that no longer serve you. Your fear-based, survival root causes have negatively influenced you and are the culprits for your past and current unwanted circumstances, your pain, and your suffering. The good news is, it’s NOT your fault. And, there’s more good news. . . you have the power to change this.
As your soulful master coach and spiritual guide, I will help you:
- Discover the fear-based survival, root cause that is the source of your current experience that you absolutely want to change
- Melt through your natural internal resistance to change, easily and very quickly
- ‘Grow’ through your pain and difficulties, not just ‘Go’ through them
- Release and become free from your fear-based survival patterns that are contributing to your pain and frustration with your most challenging relationships and life experiences
- Change your relationship with your personal, God-given creative power, your authority to choose what YOU want, and with your core self-identity
- Learn how to use your personal power and your authority brilliantly by aligning and cooperating with universal principles (laws). These laws are absolute. They govern everyone and everything in the same way, no exception.
- Learn how to Interrupt your deep survival-habit-patterns when they take overtake you. You will heal from your past negative conditioning and ascend into your authentic powerful self, instantly.
- Gain clarity about what you truly want to create in your life and why
- Know how to generate sustainable momentum that will ensure your success in manifesting what you want in your personal and in your professional life
- Learn how to master the art of ‘deliberate creation’ from your powerful Self: your state of freedom and choice
- Turn your negative circumstances around and experience synchronicities and miracles, particularly in your relationships
You will Love Your Life, Again!
Private Transformational Coaching, Consulting, Training, and Mentoring for Higher Conscious Living
To discover if my private transformational 3-6-12 month coaching, mentoring, and training programs or packages are what can most benefit you with what you want and need right now, I invite you to schedule a free consultation appt. with me.
Together we will determine if what I offer will MOST benefit you at this time in your life. I will be honest in letting you know if you are a perfect candidate for my transformational offerings. You will come away with clarity about what you need to rise above your current circumstances, turn them around, and soar into the life you were meant to live.
Give yourself an opportunity to experience miracles in your life. You deserve them; you are meant to have them!
What People Are Saying
“All I had to do was look in Judy’s eyes and it was love at first sight. She is the real deal. A beacon of such light and truth—one of the purest expressions of love and authentic power. I immediately felt better just being in her presence. Spend time with this woman, whether it’s in her books, programs, or events. Just be in her presence and your life will get better.”
“I heard about Judy’s work and it sounded so intriguing and unique that I wanted to experience it. Low and behold I was presented with a situation where I felt I could really benefit from some expert coaching guidance, and took the the opportunity to ask Judy for her help. I was enthralled. What a fabulous experience it was. I would be hard pressed to put it into words exactly what happens, but I can say that if you want to explore any deep, challenging parts of yourself in a very gentle, non-invasive, extremely supportive, and highly intelligent way, resulting in a high level of new conscious awareness, call Judy! The shift that I made was so easy, yet so profound. It had an incredible, positive impact, not just on the situation at hand, but it has continued to bring a new strength of clarity to many other situations.”
Lisa Dee
Expert Equist, CEO
“Judy helped me love my life; she can do the same for you. Her inspired process is unique. When we started working together, an angry, resentful little girl was in charge of my life. If you are like me, you do not know what to do with the subconscious. Judy can show you. Her coaching is fun and life affirming.
I now know and love my authentic self. I am genuine without having to please people. People like me, not who I was trying to be. Manifesting has become easier. I love my life, have a vision full of possibilities, and go with the flow.This power has been a long time coming.
Judy’s coaching is the most important money you will spend on yourself. Enjoy!”
Judy B. Harris, Albuquerque, NM
“Of everything I learned from you – and there was a lot! – learning how to accept “what is” has changed my life. I’m so much more aware of what I might be resisting in the present moment and how it triggers me physically and emotionally. The ability to separate me (my true essence) from the scripting in my mind (what I used to think was me) has completely transformed how I engage with others and myself. I recently journaled that I don’t always succeed in overcoming triggers or tuning into old scripts and that’s okay because I’m committed each day to trying – when I’m triggered I see it through a different lens now. A lens that helps me see the truth – first, that I am okay and the perceived “issue” or “challenge” or “bad experience” is a chance to grow. Before I met you I knew this on an intellectual level only (i.e. “what doesn’t kill you makes you stronger!” as the old saying goes). These days, I try and set the table after I am triggered – I set the table so I can sit and eat the food. And that has made all the difference. Judy, you helped me access my darkest places. I think of it as a candlelit service that starts with just one small candle that lights just one other, that lights another, that lights another until there is a room glowing with soft light. Thank you sharing your light. My candle is finally lit and holding strong so I might share it, too.
April Anderson, NC
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