The Academy for Higher Conscious Living™
The Academy for Higher Conscious Living,™ founded and owned by Judy K. Katz, MCC, (personal and business Master Certified Coach) author, trainer, inspirational speaker, and spiritual mentor, specializes in training and coaching her clients in the practical and beneficial use of Universal Laws of Mind by accessing the power and magnetic attraction of their Heart-Space to grow their businesses.
Judy is passionately dedicated to providing products and services that help to radically change the lives of heart-centered professionals and business owners who are done with experiencing stress and conflict in their lives as a result of their past, fear-based, limited mind-conditioning (scarcity and stress) and who deeply desire to have joyful experiences serving others from possibilities, freedom, and true abundance.
Many of the products and services are based on the principles of the martial art of Aikido, the blending of energy, together with the practice of mindfulness and the art of non-violent communication. The protocols and Acceleration Methodologies™ within these programs, courses, and Judy’s coaching, are aimed at neutralizing the reactive fight/flight/freeze responses that are stress-producing and grossly ineffective. Clients become free to choose and manifest what they want from their inner power of confidence, alignment, and clarity. They become highly influential as a result.
Judy K. Katz has been in the industry of transformation for personal and business growth since Jan. 1997 and has served thousands of individuals and organizations to awaken to a ‘better way’ to live and do business, growing from the inside-out, into their authentic, powerful and soulful natures.
Success Story of Transformation:
“I was having a hard time at the office and I was really thinking of a career change. I was sad because I loved what I actually did, but I just couldn’t deal with the pressure I was putting on myself. The company president recommended I see Judy. That was the best thing she ever did for me!!!! I had some doubts and concerns because I didn’t think that talking to someone would really help me. I am pretty much a control person. I just thought that I could work it out myself. But as time passed, I found that I didn’t really have the energy to work on it myself.
The very 1st session with Judy was life changing! We talked about me and my office staff and how I interacted with the them, my team. I hadn’t realized how my actions and reactions affected them as well as our team environment. That very first meeting with Judy helped me realize how to better control the work environment without being controlling. It really changed my life right then – and I was sold on talking with her! Since working with Judy, I really watch how I react to situations. I am now able to step back and see how I interact and react to different situations. By nature, I am the type of person who always wants to “help”; to be able to fix it. I used to believe that I couldn’t do anything to help a stressful situation that I was not in control of.
I had been working with Judy individually, yet, when my entire team got to work with her – what a change!! Our production was great and we didn’t have to work so hard – it was easy and such a pleasure to work with a team that knew how to work with stressful situations and to not take things personally!
I would recommend Judy to any individual, but if they are working with a team – – get the entire team to see her!! What a difference it can make!! One final thing Judy taught me was to not bully my way through life – I now wait for an appropriate time to discuss issues. I know there will be the right time – waiting a little bit is good.”
Johnese M. Turri, Sr. Mgr. Escrow Officer
Conscious Business Principles
Choosing to become a “Conscious Business” involves more than what we typically think constitutes a successful business. Generally speaking, isn’t it true that if a business is making a profit and is serving its customers well, it is thought to be a successful company?
This is where defining a ‘Successful Business’ would be helpful. I am defining the success of a business as having a business owner (and their business culture) who subscribes to the following principles and cares about P/P/P/P (People, Profit, Planet, Presence):
- There are NO accidents in life. Everything that we experience is determined by our subconscious beliefs and our habit patterns. Our subconscious beliefs and habit patterns are acted upon and carried out according to the neutral Laws of Universal Mind, always, regardless of outer conditions.
- Life happens through us and for us so that we may expand into a greater truth of who we are and what is possible. Life DOES NOT HAPPEN TO US. There are no victims here . . .Period. It is done unto us as we believe. And, we CAN change what we believe. We are not hard-wired as we once thought.
- All possibilities exist in the un-manifest reality as pure potential. When a desire is declared and accepted, it becomes a probability to be realized in full, instantly. My creation formula is: “Dream It, Own It, and Make It REAL!”™
- Everything needed for the complete unfoldment of our desire (in its physical manifestation) lives inside of our hearts and minds within the desire itself. The ‘seed’ of our desire contains everything that is needed for it to grow into its full potential, irrespective of outer conditions and circumstances.
- The Truth of our authentic nature is to be free and at choice, to have the ability to exercise our free will. Our subconscious mind is neutral, therefore; it accepts everything that we ‘plant’ into the soil of our mind. It can only produce the results that we feel emotionally convinced about as being true for us and that we can accept as ours.
- There are two ways to do everything, either from fear, struggle, force, manipulation, and resistance or from the flow of love, gratitude, appreciation, and divine power. We will experience the power of divine flow when our subconscious minds are in alignment with our true nature and with what we consciously desire. We must, however, give our desires the attention, love, and vibrational resonance that are needed for them to grow and to subsequently show up in our physical reality.
- The conditions and circumstances in our world are effects of our internal, subconscious belief systems. We see our conditions (effects) in our outer world as mirrors back to what we deeply believe and what we have the habit of expecting. Our outer circumstances and experiences reflect back to us what our deeply held beliefs, our habits of thinking and feeling, and what we expect to receive and experience.
- We recognize that our subconscious beliefs and habits have a 90% impact on our behaviors and actions, which subsequently generate our results. These subconscious beliefs and automatic habits and thought patterns ultimately create our outcomes, our reality.
- We accept full responsibility for our life’s experience. No blame, just responsibility to create our life the way we want it to be, and we CAN!
Like the soil, whatever seed (desire) we plant into our subconscious mind will grow that particular seed, regardless of whether we plant what we want or we plant what we don’t want. It will produce, period. Our conscious mind does not have power over our subconscious beliefs and our strongest intentions.
Our deeper mind cannot protect us from planting what we might not really want. There are no judgments and denials, just results! Our brilliant and powerful subconscious mind knows how to bring our desires into being through the path of least resistance, in other words, through our deepest beliefs!
Please Note: It is NOT your fault that you have limiting beliefs and survival habits as a result of your childhood conditioning. It IS your responsibility and freedom, however, to change what you believe, basing those beliefs on deeper Universal Truths and Principles, rather than on the whims and emotional imbalances from your past influences, which were negative and overwhelmed you as a child.
Private Transformational Coaching, Training, and Retreats designed for
Higher Conscious Living in Business and Your Career.
To discover if my private transformational 3-6-12 month coaching and training programs or retreats are what will most benefit you in creating what you want and need right now, I invite you to schedule a free consultation appt. with me.
Together we will determine if what I offer will MOST benefit you and your career or businessat this time in your life. I will be honest in letting you know if you are a perfect candidate for my transformational offerings. You will come away with clarity about what you need to rise above your current circumstances, turn them around, and soar into the life you were meant to live.
Give yourself and your business an opportunity to experience the miracles of transformation.
You deserve them; your people and customers deserve them; you are all meant to have them!
Schedule Your Free Consultation Here
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