Hi, I’m Judy K. Katz, MCC, author
I Can Help You Turn Your Pain and Difficult Circumstances Into the Desires You Dream and Care About.
You can “Love Your Life, Again”!
It is difficult to think about your dreams and desires when your world has been turned upside down. It is easy to feel like things will never change, and you’ll be stuck and miserable forever!
I get it, I was there, too. This time in my life was The Dark Night of My Soul. It lasted for 5 years. I lost everything that mattered to me most. I suffered with hopelessness, powerlessness, and deep despair.
What I learned during that time released me from my pain and suffering and catapulted me into a life I had dreamed of, yet feared would never come true. My dreams did come true! What I experienced is nothing short of a miracle.
I can absolutely help you have your miracles, too!
As Seen On
You Can Love Your Life Again!
Discover and Access Your Powerful, Authentic Self and Thrive!
Do you want to turn your painful or difficult circumstances into ‘gold’? You can experience miracles from the challenges that you cannot find solutions for and be released from your emotional pain and suffering that doesn’t go away. These are the results that Judy’s transformational work prepares you for.
Are you a conscious, evolving individual on a spiritual path, yet you’re experiencing on-going emotional or physical pain and you’re demanding change? Consider that your pain is your soul’s way of calling you into the next higher level of YOU! Listen to this calling! It will be relentless and; it will get louder if you ignore it. That’s Good News for YOU! YOU are a co-creator, not a victim of your circumstances!
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Derek Rydall
“All I had to do was look in Judy’s eyes and it was love at first sight. She is the real deal. A beacon of such light and truth—one of the purest expressions of love and authentic power. I immediately felt better just being in her presence. Spend time with this woman, whether it’s in her books, programs, or events. Just be in her presence and your life will get better.” —Derek Rydall, best-selling author, transformational teacher, world’s # 1 expert on the Law of Emergence. http://www.derekrydall.com

Online Courses by Judy K. Katz,
Academy for Higher Conscious Living

Judy K. Katz published book
~Conscious Relationship Brilliance~
- Transform your personal conflicts, upsets, and betrayals into cooperative relationships.
- Heal your deepest wounds through your most challenging relationships.
- Restore your peace, courage, and freedom to have love in your life, again!
~Conscious Deliberate Attraction~
Attract Your Perfect:
Soul-Mate | Client-Customer | Buyer for your home |
While the criteria differs for who you want to attract and why, your internal blocks are often very similar in nature. They come out of survival-fear.
~Conscious Transformation~
Do you have setbacks, conflicts, or challenges in your life that MUST change?
Your setback or challenge is a “wake-up” call in disguise!
If you’re willing to change and grow from the “inside-out”, you’re in for a great surprise!
Judy’s Featured Posts
How To Clear the Way For What You Want
Audio Available Setting new goals for yourself, both business and personal, is like choosing the seeds you wish to plant in your garden of life. This is not an uncommon exercise, particularly if you are a super achieving, ambitious business owner, entrepreneur, or...
End the Struggle and Conflict with Money and Men(women)
Through the power of Acceptance, Alignment and Truth If you've been following my teachings and my work for awhile, you know that I make reference to the fact that we live our lives, not separate and alone, in fact, we exist in relationship with everything. Why is this...
Dance With Your Shadows: Access Your Power
Dancing With Your Shadows: Interview with Creativity Café host, Katie CurtinIn Judy's interview with Katie Curtin, you will learn how to get beyond your shadows of doubt that show up when your desires are greater than you've ever experienced. You will discover how to...
Desire Intelligence: Your ‘secret code’
Discover your personal secrets (codes) that are embedded within your desires. Learn how to use this information to release your doubts and fears hidden within your subconscious mind, relative to your desires. Your 'secret codes' reveal which core negative beliefs and...
How To Stay Powerful In the Face of Fear
Listen to Judy's interview and learn how to dissolve your negative, debilitating, and reactive emotions that automatically occur when you are triggered by conflict or very difficult circumstances. Ascend into your magical zone of miracles and authentic power,...
Is love, money, or having a passionate career eluding you over and over again?
I don't mean to minimize how difficult the impact is on people emotionally when their desires to have true love, plenty of money, a passionate, successful career, and to live the lifestyle of their dreams continually pass them by. Facing continual disappointments of...
Susan and Martin Success Story!
We put our home on the market in April, in the hottest market in our area in 7 years thinking it would sell within days for a hefty profit. The house sat on the market, no one showed it, we were at a total loss. We began by lowering the price, then fixing the trouble...
Selling or buying your home from the ‘inside-out’, in record-breaking time, regardless of outer circumstances!
This may or may not be your personal experience, however, it is absolutely possible and true. You likely are reading this article because you know that this is true or you want to know more about buying and selling homes as an inside job (predominately 90%). Is it...
Desire – why do some manifest easily and others take forever?
In all of the 20+ years that I have been teaching, coaching, and mentoring people to attract their heart's desires and to realize their dreams, I've noticed something very critical that impacts how easily and quickly some people's desires are manifested, and how long...
“Desire is the Light in your darkest hour. Dream it, Own it, and Make your Desires REAL!”
~Judy K. Katz
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