This may or may not be your personal experience, however, it is absolutely possible and true. You likely are reading this article because you know that this is true or you want to know more about buying and selling homes as an inside job (predominately 90%). Is it true that you want to learn more about how to do this for yourself and for others? Would you love to have the support and validation that this is REAL, that it is absolutely possible?
I’ve had numerous personal experiences and numerous experiences with helping others in buying and selling our personal homes and investment properties using the powers of our subconscious minds, while realizing personal transformations in the process. Yes, we all did go through the spiritual transformations that were necessary to achieve this. And, that was the REAL gift! We all discovered our true, powerful, and authentic Selves in the process! This process and transformation has an impact that lasts a lifetime!
Buying and selling my homes and investment properties from the inside-out, in record-breaking time, regardless of the outer circumstances, was the beginning of my spiritual awakening. The results gave me instant feedback as to whether or not my efforts were working.
I am committed to revolutionize the way we sell and buy real estate, from the “inside out.” Buying your dream home or investment property is a desire. Selling your property is a desire, as well. And, as with manifesting all desires, it is your internal belief system and your emotional energy that dictate your results by at least 90%. Your inner habits of expectations, what you believe that you can have, how good you believe you can have it, and so much more, all enter into the equation of how quickly you can sell your home or buy your perfect dream home. It is truly an inside job whether you believe it or not!
I have finally come full circle in my life’s purpose. I am committed to helping others to rise into their truest, authentic Selves, ( the most important part here ) and to become the conscious, loving, powerful, deliberate creators they have been designed to be. What better feedback for your efforts than to manifest the sale of your home or the purchase of your ideal home, easily, effortlessly, and in record-breaking time!
And, if you are a realtor, imagine if you could be a catalyst for your clients with whom this is appropriate, to have this kind of experience. And, your clients will get their life out of this! Now, that is an amazing competitive edge, yes? And, it is divine!
I am thrilled to have you all join me in this revolution, in this true spiritual awakening into the divine beings that you are, into the divine power that we all have and to apply it in your lives, particularly in your passionate work in the industry of real estate and, for buyers and sellers, with your desire to attract your dream home and/or to sell your current home ASAP!
To learn more about how to do this, please contact me for a personal consultation. We can determine if your are a perfect candidate for this work and if it might be right for you.
Let’s do this!
“Dream it, own it, and make it REAL”!
Judy K. Katz, MCC, RScP