by Judy K. Katz | Oct 28, 2010 | Attracting Money, Clearing Blocks and Resistance, Conscious Transformation, Law of Attraction, Magnetic Attraction, Manifesting Abundance
Listen Now… Deliberate Creation may not be the obvious answer you are looking for when it comes to breaking out of your current circumstances and experiencing the joy of having financial freedom. The internal process of Deliberate Creation is the same regardless...
by Judy K. Katz | Oct 5, 2010 | Conscious Transformation, Law of Attraction, Magnetic Attraction
Do you ever feel like the gerbil in the cage going round and round, faster and faster, trying to get somewhere, yet, ending right back up in the same place? For many super-achievers, action-oriented, and results-driven people, this is not uncommon. It is however,...
by Judy K. Katz | Aug 3, 2010 | Attracting Money, Clearing Blocks and Resistance, Conscious Business, Conscious Transformation, Law of Attraction, Manifesting Abundance
Audio Available Doing what we love is the passionate intention for many of us that are business owners and solo-preneurs in this 21st century. Yet, blending the energy of money with the energy of our heart can be one of the biggest obstacles and greatest challenges,...
by Judy K. Katz | Aug 10, 2009 | Conscious Transformation, Law of Attraction, Magnetic Attraction, Weekly Words of Wisdom
Audio Available Do you find it challenging to imagine what you desire? For so many of us, dreaming bigger than what our bank account buys, how much credit we have, or what we know HOW to do is very challenging. So often, what we know HOW to do or how much money we...
by Judy K. Katz | Jul 29, 2009 | Conscious Business, Conscious Transformation, Law of Attraction, Magnetic Attraction, Weekly Words of Wisdom
Audio Available The Law of Circulation is not commonly talked about in many of the Law of Attraction circles. It is, I believe, equally as important to understand and to align with the Law of Circulation as it is the Law of Attraction. The Law of Circulation is very...
by Judy K. Katz | Jul 14, 2009 | Conscious Transformation, Law of Attraction, Magnetic Attraction, Weekly Words of Wisdom
Audio Available Our feelings are paramount to creating a wealthy, abundant mindset.I believe that generating energy for anything we want to be, do, or have is paramount to becoming ‘attractive’ to wealth and prosperity. It is the energy from our feelings and emotions...
by Judy K. Katz | Jul 6, 2009 | Conscious Transformation, Law of Attraction, Manifesting Abundance, Weekly Words of Wisdom
Audio Available Creating wealth from the inside out is a process that begins with self-discovery and awareness of our core beliefs, our feelings, and the habitual reactions that we have to money and wealth. Transformation occurs when we accept where we are and where...
by Judy K. Katz | Jun 29, 2009 | Attracting Money, Clearing Blocks and Resistance, Conscious Transformation, Law of Attraction, Manifesting Abundance, Weekly Words of Wisdom
Audio Available We all have accomplishments that we can be proud of. Yet, if you’re like me, I have stared some of my greatest results in the face with complete exhaustion, overwhelm, and stress. This I have done more times than I care to admit. So often, in my past,...
by Judy K. Katz | Jun 18, 2009 | Clearing Blocks and Resistance, Law of Attraction, Magnetic Attraction, Weekly Words of Wisdom
Declaring what you want, setting your goals, and making decisions to be wealthy, for example, often bring up your natural resistance in the form of “Yeah but,” have you noticed? In Week 3 of my Weekly Words of Wisdom, I invited you to make affirmative statements for...
by Judy K. Katz | Jun 13, 2009 | Clearing Blocks and Resistance, Conscious Business, Conscious Transformation, Law of Attraction, Manifesting Abundance, Weekly Words of Wisdom
Audio Available I believe that one of the most profound statements that I have ever considered is there are two (2) ways to do anything and everything. One way to take action is from a state of authentic wealth and abundance. From this state of being, you have the...