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Creating wealth from the inside out is a process that begins with self-discovery and awareness of our core beliefs, our feelings, and the habitual reactions that we have to money and wealth.

Transformation occurs when we accept where we are and where we want to be!

Knowing where you are, both inside and out, is not hard to discover. It does, however, require a commitment. This is why it is so important to keep your decision to be wealthy and joyful as a priority. Transformation occurs when you know where you are and where you want to be.

What are the feelings that constitute a wealthy, abundant mindset?

Previously, you paid attention to the emotions that you frequently experienced as you dealt with your financial matters. Now, let’s look at where you want to be. I’m submitting there are (6) basic feelings that ideally make up a wealthy, abundant mindset:

* Grateful
* Trustful
* Confident
* Expectant
* Generous
* Allowing

So, the question is, how do you cultivate these feelings?

Let’s work with the first three feelings this week and next week, we’ll work with the last three.

Gratitude can be felt for the simplest of life’s gifts.  Looking at the enemies of gratitude can help us become aware of what we need to let go of in order for gratitude to emerge.  Have you ever thought, “He/she should,” or, “They owe me because, after all, look at all I have done for them?”  This type of self-talk elicits our own expectations and kills off our ability to feel grateful and appreciative, particularly for the small and simple things.

Expectations do not allow us to feel grateful or thankful. And, when our expectations are not met, isn’t it easy to feel upset, angry, or frustrated, particularly for the small, everyday things?

Being willing to trust is often an emotion that is misunderstood.  Either we blindly trust or we withhold our trust completely, depending on our past experiences. How easily do you trust yourself, others, or, yes, even the Universe?

There is a special kind of trust, an authentic trust, which allows us to come from a place of willingness, while using wise discernment at the same time. Building our authentic trust muscle is a practice that we can certainly do a bit more of, don’t you think? I must admit that I discover new situations that require me to strengthen my trust muscle, particularly when I dare to dream bigger and find myself in the ‘Zone of Resistance.’ Can you relate?  (More on this in future Weekly Words of Wisdom. . .)

Feeling confident allows us to move forward and take inspired actions. Hesitancy comes from our self-doubt and fear. When my self-doubt or uncertainty is triggered, i.e., when I challenge myself to go beyond what I know, I remember to doubt my old assumptions that I can’t. . . or that I won’t. . . Doubting our limiting beliefs releases their power and conviction to overrun us. Can you sense how doubting your beliefs, rather than what’s possible, could help you feel freer to go beyond what you believe you can do and what you think you can have?

Universal Laws and Principles are absolute and consistent.

Don’t we feel confident when we know something is powerful and consistent? Universal Laws which are absolute, work the same for everyone, all the time. Now, can you feel how much easier it would be to step into a new situation, feeling confident that you could count on the Universe to help you every time, all the time? Mother Nature never fails, and we are part of Nature, Yeah!!  This reality can serve to ground you in the belief that you have abundant resources available to you in every moment.

Wealth Practice # 7

1. Cultivate feelings of Gratitude by thanking people for doing what you normally have taken for granted or have expected from them in the past. Work with the simple things.

2. Cultivate feelings of Authentic Trust by giving people, including you, the benefit of the doubt. Assume positive intent while maintaining a practice of accountability.  Use wise discernment and request that promises are met. (Keep you in mind for this one!)

3. Cultivate feelings of Confidence by doing something this week that you have been procrastinating. Remind yourself that you can do it. Question any self-doubt by asking yourself, “How do I know that I can’t do this,” or how do I know that I won’t succeed?”  “How can I be so certain that I can’t handle the outcome?” “How can I be so certain that I’ll fail?” Whew! Enough of that nonsense, right?

Keep wealth as a priority and remember why you want to be wealthy.

“Dream it, own it, and make it REAL”
