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Doing what we love is the passionate intention for many of us that are business owners and solo-preneurs in this 21st century. Yet, blending the energy of money with the energy of our heart can be one of the biggest obstacles and greatest challenges, not only to us personally, but to the success of our business, as well.
Knowing how to price your heart-felt, soulful work is not as clear cut as pricing something tangible that can be mass produced. There is a process and a way of thinking, however, that makes this task much less daunting. In fact, it profoundly contributes to the success of your work with your clients.
3 Diamond Pillars Model: Pricing
Step # 1 Clearing the Emotional Blocks.
In this process you increase your inner ability to receive and to claim your value and power in the market place. Without this, you’ll find yourself over giving, over functioning, and eventually becoming resentful and blameful. You must transform your limiting money and power stories to create a solid foundation for any pricing structure you put into place.
Make a decision to begin paying yourself first. The amount is not as critical as is the consistency of the action. This gives a message to the Universe, Source energy, or whatever you call your greater power, that you are open to receiving more, that you value yourself monetarily. Like attracts like. Clients will not be attracted to generously paying you if you’re not feeling a greater monetary value in what you have to offer.
Change your mind about not needing help. Do you harbor the belief that you should or that you have to go it alone? If you do, you will subconsciously project that belief onto your clients. Why would they need you if they can figure it out on their own? The truth is, none of us can solve our problems from the same mindset that created them to begin with. If you believe that you are weak when you need help, you will energetically block potential clients from coming to you and generously paying you for your services.
If you provide a done-for-you service, remind yourself that your potential clients cannot or do not want to do for themselves what you can give them. Get in touch emotionally with how much you can help them. Feel and see them wanting to pay you extremely well for your services because you are helping them get what they really want!
Step # 2 Know the Value of YOU and the Why.
You must first establish your own value in your mind that what you provide your clients is monetarily feasible for you and worth doing.
Remember why you want to do what you do in the first place. Have you ever been stuck, you didn’t know what direction to turn, or you felt alone in your problem and you couldn’t get yourself out? Remember how it felt to be alone and stuck. Emotionally connect with how much you know your clients need what you have to offer. Feel valued and wanted.
Step # 3 Reveal the value of your service, product, or program to your clients.
Now, do your homework. Find out what your ideal clients really want. What problems are they willing to pay to have solved or what desires are they burning to realize? Discover how they want to feel by having what they want.
By establishing the value of your clients’ desires and determining what it costs you to provide your service, you will create a context that allows you to establish the perfect price for your product or service.
Value must be perceived by you so you will charge what you’re worth, and value must be perceived by your client for them to pay for what they want.
To your prosperity, freedom & joy,
You’re right on about the “value” that we as business owners need to be “crystal” clear about BEFORE we have that conversation with our clients. And it starts within… Thank you for making that point…”crystal” clear!