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The Law of Circulation is not commonly talked about in many of the Law of Attraction circles. It is, I believe, equally as important to understand and to align with the Law of Circulation as it is the Law of Attraction. The Law of Circulation is very simple; what you give out must come back, and it comes back multiplied. Giving and receiving is a natural cycle. When we are in the flow, giving and receiving is easy and consistent. As with all Universal Laws, this Law is absolute. It works the same for everyone.

Many of us grew up learning the value of giving. Being generous is one of the feelings that is present within a wealthy, abundant mindset. Haven’t you heard, “It is more blessed to give than to receive?” The truth is, what we give out does come back multiplied, UNLESS. . .

Now, this is where it gets interesting. Have you ever felt that you have given until there is nothing left to give? I know this has been true for me in my life. How many times did you ever ask yourself, “When is it going to be my turn? Why am I always the one giving while others seem happy to keep taking from me?” Sound familiar? Well, this brings me to the sixth feeling of an abundant, wealthy mindset, Allowing, being able to receive.

  • Grateful
  • Trustful
  • Confident
  • Expectant
  • Generous
  • Allowing

Being able to receive what we say we want seems easy enough to our reasoning mind, yet, when our old patterns of belief take over, what we desire takes a back seat to what we believe we can have. We attract what we believe, not what we want. Did you ever think that you had to be better at what you did so that you could be wealthy? You know the drill. “If I just did more, gave more, learned more, had more experience, was a better person, etc., then I would get what I want.”

Have you spent countless hours and much of your energy trying to resolve this inner conflict? Well, if you have, you are not alone. I have seen countless examples of this with my clients over the past twelve years, not to mention my own costly and exhausting attempts to force the hand of the Universe to send me what I wanted!

I have personally been trapped inside of the ‘I need to be better to get what I want bubble’ much of my life. Thankfully, I had a revelation! I realized that I was blocking my desires for many things. It wasn’t until I humbly embraced the truth that the cause of my unfulfilled desires and the rich abundant life that I dreamed of was the result of me not allowing what I wanted. It was only then that I was able to open the flood gates to receiving what I wanted deep inside.

Our desires will never leave us. We can try to leave them, yet they will be relentless in our hearts. This, I believe, is one of the greatest gifts of love from the Universe. How cool is that?

So, can you truly give abundantly when you block the flow coming back? If you refuse to receive, your resources will dwindle away. Fortunately, Mother Nature loves you so much that your desires will keep bubbling up. Have you ever had feelings of jealousy and envy for others who have what you want?

I ask you to consider that when you feel this pain, perhaps your desires are having a little tantrum. Instead of getting caught in the drift of jealousy or envy, remember that it is you who is blocking your good. You can have what you want. Allowing abundance and prosperity in all areas of your life is a choice that I urge you to make!

Wealth Practice # 10

1.    Decide that you are now going to allow what you want. Write down twenty (20) dreams that you have not allowed yourself to entertain. Dream really big; just let your imagination soar! Be playful with this. Practice your muscle of allowing by writing these down. Do this and notice what happens inside!

2.    Be conscious of how you receive. Practice saying “thank you” when someone compliments you or gives you a gift in whatever form it takes. Feel how good it is to receive. Refrain from dismissing or pushing these gifts away. Feel grateful for the gift.

3.    Remind yourself that you are unconditionally loved by the Universe, Source, or whatever name you are comfortable using. Know that your desires are inviting you to grow into more of who you really are! Write a declaration for this truth about you.

(Remember, we are what we practice daily!)