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We all have accomplishments that we can be proud of. Yet, if you’re like me, I have stared some of my greatest results in the face with complete exhaustion, overwhelm, and stress. This I have done more times than I care to admit. So often, in my past, I have uttered the words, “There’s got to be a better way!”  Well, I found that way, and I’m excited to be sharing it with you.

What I am offering you is a new and powerful way to succeed as you fulfill your purpose and intention in serving others, growing your business, or creating a successful professional career;  a way that brings you joy, satisfaction, freedom, and, love for all that you create and achieve.

Taking responsibility for what we create and experience is essential to transforming our old mindset from scarcity and survival into abundance and wealth.

Previously, I’ve challenged you to change your identity, how you think about yourself, and who you think you are. Taking responsibility for your internal belief system, which is one of the (3) key aspects that makes up your mindset, is paramount in creating a mindset of wealth and abundance.

Perhaps a more challenging and even more important aspect of your mindset is your emotional reality. Emotions are the energy that moves us into action. They determine what we are or are not capable of doing. For example: Do you reach out to others when you feel doubtful or frustrated? How about when you feel afraid of looking foolish or being rejected?

Negative emotions are often handled in the same way that we handle conflict.

Conflict is often dealt with from a scarcity, survival mindset in one of (3) ways:

1. Denial and avoidance; we refuse to deal with it, or we pretend it isn’t  there.

2. Control; we overpower with force in order to win.

3. Manipulation; we deceive ourselves or others.

We have habitual feelings about ourselves related to money and wealth.

This awareness can be easy enough to discover. How do you feel when you consider yourself to be wealthy, joyful, and free? What emotions automatically show up for you? Perhaps you notice feelings of doubt, anxiety, or fear. Or, do you find that you just don’t know what you feel? This is quite common when dealing with negative emotions. Many of us don’t have a language for our feelings, particularly the uncomfortable ones. We either feel good or bad.

  • How do you handle the negative emotions that come from your limiting and self-denigrating beliefs?
  • Do you ignore your feelings by staying in your head and trying to rationalize them?
  • Do you make attempts to control your emotions by drowning them out with external substances, excessive alcohol use or over-eating, or perhaps you engage in excessive activity or busy work?
  • Perhaps you might tell yourself that you feel fine, while ignoring the truth that you really feel upset, angry, or extremely anxious and fearful.
  • Do you handle your negative emotions the same way that you handle conflict?

Discovering your current emotional reality, rather than resisting it, is essential to transforming your existing mindset from survival and limitation into abundance and freedom.

You MUST become aware of the emotions you habitually feel around the subject of wealth, money, and you. If you resist them, you cannot transform them.

 Wealth Practice # 6

1. Consider what you think you need to feel financially secure. What exactly will it take? Is it an amount of $$$? What guarantees do you need, etc.? Do you have an easy answer, or would you rather ignore the question? Be honest and gentle with yourself.

2. Write down 5 words that come to your mind when you think about money in general. What is the primary emotion that you feel when you consider your answers?

3. Record the emotions that you experience throughout the week as you deal with or think about the financial requirements you have for your needs, wants, and desires.

Keep wealth as a priority and remember why you want to be wealthy.