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Once upon a time, there was a little boy and girl who laughed and played joyfully. Life was one adventure and surprise after another. Curiosity filled their hearts and minds which compelled them to try new things that tickled their tummies and made them scream with laughter. Life seemed magical to these little ones. They made friends easily, started school, performed in plays, and bravely went up to the Popsicle man with their money in hand and ready to buy. This little girl and boy, delighted with their lives, looked forward to their next adventures and relaxed with their chocolate chip cookies and milk.

Then one day, life suddenly changed. Their daddy no longer came home every night and their mommy cried every day. What happened to their innocent and happy life? This little boy and girl were crazed to understand what happened. It made no sense at all. Yet, they desperately needed to make sense of it all. Their little minds were busy trying to figure it out. This little girl and boy came to believe that all of this change was their fault because they had been bad. They believed they were the reason that everything had gone wrong.

They thought up ways in which they could make things right. Perhaps if they didn’t cry or if they’d be really good, their daddy would come home and their mommy would be happy again. These precious little souls tried everything they could to make their lives be happy and normal. They just wanted to make themselves change so daddy and mommy would be together and they could be a family again. Unfortunately, none of their attempts to alter their behaviors ever worked. Yet, they vowed deeply to never stop trying.

While this may or may not be similar to your story, I am certain that you do have a story. We all do. Your story could explain many of your fears and insecurities that you might be experiencing today. Do you know the story you have made up about you, the one that is driving your life, particularly with regard to your value and self expression in the business world? It is not always easy to see how our childhood stories and attempted explanations and assumptions have affected our lives. Yet, they have. Our stories and explanations have molded us into the people we are today. How many of your behaviors come from the habits and decisions that you made when you were 5 or 6 years old? Kind of scary to consider, isn’t it?

Taking responsibility and creating our lives from an adult perspective is the work that many of us will eventually be called to do, sooner or later. Making up a new story by first declaring who we are from our heart and soul, and second, by deciding what kind of life we deeply desire, requires the courage we once had as that small child who could ask a stranger for a balloon or bravely approach the Popsicle man with money in hand, ready to buy. We were born to explore, to venture into the unknown, and to risk falling down. Why? Because we want to ‘walk’ and then we want to ‘run’.

The childhood stories we made up must be changed at the subconscious level. If not, they will interrupt our natural process to grow into the greatest, grandest version of who we are. These limited fearful stories will keep us from living in our natural state of abundance, freedom, and joy. While these stories can bring us pain and suffering, they absolutely can be changed!

Creating a wealthy mindset is all about changing your story about who you think you are and what you believe you deserve. It is not just for the purpose of accumulating and manifesting stuff to prove your worth or make you happy. It is a spiritual journey that requires transformation, not just completing a list of things to do, taking massive action, or gathering strategies and systems to be successful. While you can accumulate and manifest stuff easily, you will take inspired action, and you will become successful and thrive with a wealthy mindset; I submit that having a lot of money and success is not the point of the journey. That alone will not give you peace or make you happy and joyful.

The point of the journey is for you to change your relationship with yourself, the world, and the Universe; to be a powerful, loving and joyful, fully expressed human being that knows your worth intrinsically. Without this knowing, you will be a doer in the world who gets your value from what you give and own. You’ll need your value from something outside of yourself. This way of living perpetuates fear, anxiety, and frustration. Let’s change this NOW!

Wealth Practice # 31- Your new story. . . A new YOU!

  1. Make a new declaration of who you are. Create a new character for your new story, one that you really admire.
  2. Think of someone that you really do admire someone who exhibits the qualities you want to live. Write down their name and list the qualities that you resonate with. Be sure to feel this fully!
  3. List how your new character will handle difficult situations or people. Imagine a challenging scenario in your life and put your new self into that situation. How would you exhibit the qualities of the person you really admire? Go into this next week and be this person, both in your mind and in your daily activities. You can do this because it is who you really are!

Remember, we are what we practice.

Keep wealth as a priority and remember why you want to be wealthy.

“Dream it, own it, and make it REAL”

Judy K. Katz, MCC, RScP
Master Certified Coach, spiritual mentor