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If you have been following along with my Weekly Words of Wisdom each week, you’ve probably noticed that each week builds on the week before. Creating a wealthy mindset is a process that begins with awareness and self-discovery.

If we want things to change, we MUST change!

I invite you to utilize these Weekly Words of Wisdom as a mini-series in your professional and personal financial development. There is a Wealth Practice offered at the end of each week’s message. I encourage you to challenge yourself and continue to implement the practices. If you want things to change, you must change. We’ve all heard this before. Are you living this or are you telling yourself, “Yeah, I’ve heard this before, I know this stuff?” High five if you’re financially where you want to be!  You know it! If your business, professional practice, or your career isn’t financially where you want it to be, read on.?

We must be ‘Right’ about who we think we are.

Who we think we are is an aspect of our inner belief system. It is one of the most influential factors that determine what actions we can take and what we think we can have. Our identity, or self-image, is one of the strongest motivators for our behavior. We will do anything to make us right about who we deeply think we are! Maybe this is good, maybe not so good.

Have you ever sabotaged yourself when you were about to have a breakthrough? How about a time when you were just getting ahead financially, then boom, something happened and set you back?  This happens to all of us from time to time.  It is our natural resistance to change.  Our inner, habitual self wants us to stay the same.

The trick is to not react or resist those things that temporarily set you back.

Three (3) ways to recondition yourself to BE who you want to be:

1. Change your response to your current unwanted circumstances.

  • Release yourself from being a victim. Let go of the belief that life is unfair.
  • Cease fighting what you don’t want by blaming, complaining, or condemning. This attacks the problem and perpetuates inner conflict. Fighting sends the message that your problems are threats and that they are bigger than you. This keeps you small and traps you in the idea that you are a powerless victim.
  • Take responsibility for your situation. Let go of expectations that someone else is responsible to fix your problems or that they owe you something; you have a feeling of being entitled. Embrace the idea that you have the power to so something about your situation. This is a subtle belief that causes problems with couples, he should/she should.

2. See yourself bigger than your current circumstances. Allow them to be what they are, just situations that you can learn from that will ultimately make your life better. You can handle whatever seems challenging to you, even if you don’t like it!  Say to yourself, “It’s not a big harry deal!”

3. Decide who you are. What do you want to identify with? “I am. . .” Take a stand for who you are and what you are about. i.e., I am a lover not a fighter, resourceful and open, a spiritual being having a human experience, lovable and compassionate, wealthy and wise, capable and highly valuable, etc.

Wealth Practice # 5

1. Write down your new identity. Who are you, and what is important to you?

2. As your week unfolds, for any problems and challenges that arise, tell yourself, “This is not a big hairy deal.” Meet your challenges with the assumption that you are resourceful and have at least (3) options to consider. You are not alone. Who can help you? Who and what could be resources for you? Write them all down. Don’t edit them; just let your imagination soar.

3. Visually see yourself bigger than your problem(s) or challenge(s). You might see yourself as a large circle and your problem or challenge as a smaller circle.  This is a powerful visualization that speaks to your subconscious mind.

Keep wealth as a priority and remember why you want to be wealthy.