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Recall a time when you believed you were in a crisis. Did you feel the urgent need to fix your problem, and that’s all that mattered to you? This reaction to fear is a survival pattern. It causes us to contract and close down. This is a natural reaction when we’re driven by fear. We focus on getting rid of the problem, i.e. too much debt, being overweight, pressures from the demands of others, etc. We don’t use our better judgment when we come from urgency and a sense of scarcity, of not enough.

How can we meet our current situations that seem threatening at first with an abundant, wealthy mindset,rather than our survival mindset?
This brings me to the fifth feeling of abundance and wealth, feeling Generous.
  • Grateful
  • Trustful
  • Confident
  • Expectant
  • Generous
  •  Allowing

Feeling Generous opens us up and focuses our attention, not only on ourselves, but on others, as well. We experience our life in relationship, rather than only focusing on “me-me-me.” A self-centered experience magnifies what is impacting us, often in an out-of-proportion way. Consequently, we don’t see how we are impacting others. This can perpetuate our chain-of-pain!

Generosity can be an antidote to our ‘fearful survival mode*. It brings us back into our more resourceful and open-Self. The activity of giving is natural, and it aligns with the Law of Circulation. If we stop giving to life, life stops coming back.

Cultivating feelings of Generosity requires practice. It is so easy to close down when the common, public concern believes in scarcity, rather than abundance. You can decide that scarcity is a perception that you don’t have to believe in. It is a choice. It is all perception!

I invite you to choose to have faith in the Truth of Abundance. Look around and notice what you have among your possessions right now that are cluttering up your life? Look in your closets, garage, and your kitchen pantry. Think excess. I would bet that you have so much more than you need. We don’t see our excess when our filters are set to ‘not enough.’ See where you have plenty, and then act generously. Give it away! Make room for more of what you want.

Do you want more opportunities to increase your income??

Cultivate generosity by releasing your money wisely. Stop saying things like, “I can’t afford it.” Rather, tell yourself, “I’m looking forward to having that…”
Now, doesn’t that just feel better? Imagine that there are a multitude of opportunities coming to you, now. This will change what you see. #You will see what you say you’ll see#. Think about what this really means. By releasing your money wisely, you will keep the flow of circulation moving in your life.

Wealth Practice # 9

Cultivate feelings of Generosity by exercising your muscle of giving, including to yourself.

1. Go through your closets, your garage, your kitchen pantry, and anywhere else that you have too much clutter. Pack it up and give it away. Feel how much extra you have. Make this real by finding areas in your life where this is actually true. Give your excess away!

2. Think of releasing your money as an investment in your prosperity. Pay your bills on time. Tip your servers well. Let it go. The amount does not matter. Giving to others is what matters.

3. Compliments are great ways to give to others. They keep your attention on your relationships, rather than on ‘me-me-me.’ This is a practice that keeps generosity alive in you, and it is free! Live generously by sincerely complimenting others. This energy of giving will benefit you in a multitude of ways!

Remember, we are what we practice daily!