Accessing our inner power and creative genius is sought after by many heart-centered, consciously evolving people. Is this true for you? If you feel frustrated because your diligent attempts to access your inner creative power and spiritual genius seem to elude you, regardless of how many things you try, i.e. meditation, envisioning what you want, etc., you really DO need to see this.
In my newly released book, Beyond Your Shadows of Doubt:ascend from fear and conflict into confidence and authentic power, I show you how to access and unleash the mighty creative power within you by using these two (2) surprising and magical “Golden Keys”. Acceptance and Forgiveness!
Chapter 13, in my book, reveals why these keys are a MUST if you want to experience rich personal and business relationships. They are particularly important if you want to attract the love of your life and, interestingly enough, if you want to experience more money into your life, as well!
YES, it’s true. Having more money requires the use of these two magical keys.
To learn more and purchase your copy, please visit: Judy’s Book. My book is available in paperback and for Kindle on
Learn how you can easily come to accept and forgive what you are currently resisting, whether it is yourself or another, decrease your inner stress tremendously, and access your creative, genius power and thrive! (I tell you all my secrets as to how I came out of the ‘dark night of my soul’ and manifested my dreams!)
Here’s to you experiencing the joy-filled, love-filled, and prosperous life your came here to live!
Judy K.. Katz, MCC, RScP
published author, speaker, spiritual mentor