I have been sharing what I have discovered to be four (4) key elements that are vital to transforming your business or personal life. Feeling the truth about your current reality, accepting ‘what is’, and identifying what your ideal reality looks and feels like are three (3) of the four (4) key elements of transformation.

This week, I’m introducing the fourth essential key element; it’s the heat and energy that comes from our emotions. Without heat and energy, there can be no transformation. This may not seem like a problem, however, in working with hundreds of people over the past thirteen years, I have discovered something very interesting. It is not always easy for people to feel the tension between where they are and where they want to be.

The tension that I am referring to can be called many things; I’m referring to it as creative tension. Creative tension can evoke your fight or flight reactions. It tends to trigger self-doubting beliefs that breakdown confidence and faith. Feeling your ideal reality will trigger all of the negative beliefs and feelings that get in the way of where you want to be. That becomes the work? to become conscious of the subconscious beliefs that limit you and hold you back, and then to let them go.

I have a personal example to share that explains what I am talking about. Years ago, I designed and built large custom homes. I subsequently sold them after living in them for a couple of years. The first time I decided to sell one of my homes, I fell into my old habit of ‘staying positive at all costs.’ I told myself that everything would work out. I didn’t pay attention to the strong, negative feelings of doubt and worry that my home wouldn’t sell, especially in 30 days!

As I worked to feel appreciation and gratitude toward my home, I attempted to see it sold in my mind’s eye, yet, nothing happened. The longer that time went by and my home didn’t sell, the more I tried to hold back my anxiety, fear, and frustration. Then one day, I cracked open. I couldn’t hold my feelings back any longer. Resisting my negative emotions was no longer an option.

Once I surrendered and felt the energy of my anxiety and worry, it was much easier for me to reach up and feel my gratitude and appreciation, the feelings I associated with selling my homes. Needless to say, I sold that home within a week of letting go of my resistance. I have worked with this process of transformation with every home I’ve sold. It has worked 100% of the time. The greater gift and lesson for me, however, was to not resist my resistance. It can be for you, too!

Holding back your energy, particularly your “negative” energy, will block the flow and keep you stuck. Holding back is resisting your resistance. If you feel fear, feel it. Feel the truth of where you are in relationship to where you want to be. It generates the energy you need to realize a transformation. The trick is not to get stuck in or deny the emotions that you feel for your current reality or your ideal reality. You need both energetic points to create the tension. Tension must be resolved. Have it resolve into what you want!

Wealth Practice # 35 – Heat, energy, and emotions

  1. Refer to the area in your life that you want serious changes in. i.e. health, finances, business, relationships, etc. Now, identify your feelings regarding your current reality and feel them. Notice if you are denying them. Just tell yourself the truth.
  2. Identify your feelings regarding your ideal reality. How do you want to feel by achieving your ideal reality? Name these feelings, and reach up to feel them fully. See and feel your ideal situation in your mind repeatedly.
  3. Now, dance between these feelings each day. Pay particular attention to the feelings associated with what you want. Stay present to your feelings as you move through your day. Notice how you are feeling. Reach up to feel how you want to feel. Find these feelings in all that you do. Remember, how you do one thing is how you do everything!

Remember, we are what we practice.

Keep wealth as a priority and remember why you want to be wealthy.

“Dream it, own it, and make it REAL”

Judy K. Katz, MCC, RScP
Master Certified Coach, spiritual mentor