Have you ever wondered what your lifestyle would look like if you achieved wealth in your business or professional life? There is certainly the fun stuff to consider, the stuff we all know that m’oney can buy. Yet, when it gets right down to it, do you ever worry that creating wealth will require so much work, effort, and time out of your life, that you really won’t have the freedom that financial freedom promises after all?

If you have achieved success in the past, do you have memories of hard work, problems with people, too much stuff to keep track of, and down right exhaustion at the end of your 60-80 hour week? If you do, you are not alone. This fear plagues many entrepreneurs, business owners and super achievers alike. Why? Because many of us have been there, done that, and we never want to do it again! Right?

I’m with you! There have been more times than I’d like to think about in my adult life when I thought I was on top of the world in my business, yet, I was miserable. Now, that was very disappointing. I vowed there had to be a better way. Of course, there is a better way! We do, however, need to know what our self-sabotaging behaviors look like in order to stop doing them.

Success-sabotage is not always obvious, and yet, at times, don’t you know exactly what you do to sabotage your success in achieving what you want? It can show up in behaviors like:

  • Procrastination
  • Conflicts with your spouse, significant other, or employees
  • Failure to keep promises to yourself and others
  • Forgetting to take care of important matters, like paying your bills on time
  • Making unclear agreements
  • Not listening to your inner desires, dismissing them
  • Cluttered work environment and disorganization
  • Critical judgments and blame of yourself and/or others
  • Justifications explaining why things are the way that they are
  • Not marketing yourself and your business, hiding out

I thought I would just name a few. Can you find yourself in this list or do you have your own? It is tricky to identify our own self-sabotaging behaviors. They come from an inner need that we all have to avoid pain. This need is reinforced by our inner resistance to change. Unfortunately, any painful memories we might have from previous successes, or any negative beliefs that create a dark side of success in our minds become the fuel that feed these unwanted behaviors. At a subconscious level, we are trying to self-protect!

So, how do we change these self-protecting behaviors that sabotage our successes?

There are five (5) simple steps (5 star A’s) that can turn these around and create success behaviors:

Remember: for transformation, we can’t change behavior at the level of behavior; we have to go deeper and impact our subconscious mind.

  1. Awareness – we cannot change anything that we are not aware of
  2. Acceptance – we cannot change anything that we resist, it just persists
  3. Agreement – we must be willing to change, to see that the old ways are not working at all
  4. Align – with what is really important to us, to feel what we want emotionally
  5. Act – we must finally take inspired action.

Wealth Practice # 13
Choose 3 behaviors that you know are sabotaging your success, with anything you want. (Awareness)

Accept that these behaviors are sabotaging your success and decide to stop doing them. (Accept and Agree)

Establish what is important to you about succeeding. How does that feel?  (Align)

Identify the success behaviors that support what you want and do them. (Act)

Remember, we are what we practice daily!

Keep wealth as a priority and remember why you want to be wealthy.

“Dream it, own it, and make it REAL”