Weekly Words of Wisdom Q and AWeekly Words of Wisdom Q&A: Guidance, Direction, and Truth

for the conscious, heart-centered business owner, entrepreneur, and professional who is most likely working way too hard to BE the best that they can BE.

Master certified coach, Judy K. Katz, your manifesting and attraction authority and mentor, answers your most pressing questions for creating a life of meaning and purpose while enjoying wealth in all areas of your business and personal life.

This week’s question comes from Barb Eisele, PCC,Tucson, AZ. at www.lifetransformationsnow.com


Hi Judy, I find myself having all kinds of incredible ideas and I make a commitment to move forward on them. However, I find old patterns of being distracted and not working the new idea into reality. Any ideas or help on this one. Thanks, Barb


Thank you so much for this question, Barb. It speaks to many creative and passionate souls. I have struggled with this in the past, too!

Here are a few questions to ask yourself about your creative endeavors. First of all, where does each idea fit into your bigger picture for your business, assuming your ideas are for your business, and do they align with your mission and core values? In other words, for the sake of what do your ideas want to be born into your reality.

Secondly, and extremely important. . .

Notice what triggers your distractions. Do distractions take over at the point when you don’t exactly know what might be next in moving your project forward to completion? I have personally, as well as many of my creative clients, experienced the uncomfortable “I don’t know what to do next” stage of the creative process when bringing something new into the world.

It is easy to be distracted by things that you know what to do about. These distractions will seduce you away from the important project at hand. I have learned this through my writing. I can get the munchies when I’m not sure about what to write next. If I sit still in the zone of resistance and discomfort, and I decide that I am going for completion, not perfection, I am able to follow through, enjoy the process, and I get it done!

Remembering the joy of satisfaction is a great motivator through the hard times of bursting new ideas into reality. (They don’t call them labor pains for no reason.) The completion energy is expansive and it fuels the next new idea!

I suggest that you find a large artist tablet, without lines preferably, and do the following:

  • Map out all of the ideas that have come to you and any new ones as they show up. Refrain from using a linear process to keep your imagination flowing.
  • For your business ventures, write out what the bigger picture looks like, the picture of your puzzle, so to speak. It might look like your business model with your intended annual revenue.
  • Now, choose, prioritize, and organize, as best you can, the best pathway of completed ideas and projects that will complete your bigger picture. Begin breaking down these projects into bite size goals and tasks to be completed each day, knowing how each one fits into your larger picture. You will begin to have a sense of purpose and meaning to your work, which adds energy and motivation to your project completion as well.
  • Declare satisfaction and completion for a job well done! Celebration is essential as it adds energy and joy, particularly when you’ve worked through the distraction phase of your projects! Successful challenges create high self esteem and confidence.

Thank you for asking this timely question that plagues many of us. It costs us plenty in wasted energy, time, and money if we allow distractions to keep us from our mission and purpose.

Love and abundance,

“Dream it, own it, and make it REAL”

P.S. This is a weekly no-cost program that is open to everyone! Each week, I’ll personally respond to a question that I believe in my heart will help the most people. (You may choose to remain anonymous if you wish.)

It is my heartfelt intention that, in answering your questions, I will provide you with perspectives and Universal Truths that, when adopted and applied in your life, will set you free to attract what you want from a place of abundance and inspiration, rather than urgency and desperation.

Simply submit YOUR pressing question to Weekly Words of Wisdom Q&A: Guidance, Direction, and Truth

P.P.S. Would you like to help me spread the word about this program? Is there someone you care about who is stuck, challenged from set backs, or who is struggling to make significant improvements in their business or personal life? If so, I would very much like to help them, too. Regardless of their predicament, their question will help many others who might be struggling with a similar challenge. This is true for you, too!