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I want to congratulate you for keeping up with your weekly Wealth Practices over the past 5 months! What has changed for you as a result of living more consciously and deliberately, particularly when it comes to your prosperity? I often say, the way we do one thing is the way we tend to do everything. What other areas of your life have you noticed improvement in?

So, what happens when you get a new idea to make things better for yourself, in any area of your life? Do you jump on the band wagon with gusto and give 100% effort toward making the changes you know you need to make? Does this last for a while until you start to see some change and then poof! Suddenly, you find yourself backing off of your new behaviors, and reverting to the old habits you vowed you’d leave behind?

Well, if this happens to you, don’t feel alone. I fall into this pattern as well. Many of us do. There is a reason that we do this, and we can change how we change! Making a decision to change is often precipitated by not wanting to be where we are anymore. Either we have a very uncomfortable circumstance that we no longer wish to tolerate, or we get very bored with the same thing day after day, feeling lifeless, yet safe. Do you find yourself in either one of these scenarios?>

The best way to keep your energy moving forward toward your goal is to keep your eyes, ears, and emotions, on the goal, rather than to be fixated on the situation that you find yourself in.I have written about the value of your attention many times, yet, if you are not yet realizing what you really do want, you might be caught in this oscillating cycle of two steps forward and four steps back. There is no way to gain positive ground at this rate is there?

It is important to remember that our attention does not just involve what we see and do. It involves our feelings and emotions as well. We can take new actions for awhile, yet, if we feel upset or threatened about where we currently are, we will fall backwards every time. Pain and fear seem to scream for our attention, perhaps even more than our desires. Self preservation is very old and is deeply engrained in us.

If you have ever uttered, “There’s got to be a better way!” then you might be caught up in this back and forth pattern without realizing it.This is a very difficult way to make the changes that you need to make in order to achieve what you want. So, what can you do about this? It’s a simple solution, yet, most likely you haven’t been conditioned to respond peacefully to what you don’t want. Making peace with where you are first will melt the natural habit of your resistance to change.  Remember my old friend resistance?

Make peace with where you are, and then give your undivided attention to seeing, hearing, and feeling the desire, goal, or outcome that you want to attract and achieve.Keep your eye on the ball! Buyer beware, at first, by keeping your rich attention on your desire, it will make your current reality stand out even more. I caution you not to judge your current reality or yourself poorly, or you will fall back into the trap of continual oscillation because of your resistance. From a state of peace and acceptance, your actions will be inspired and you will feel compelled to take them from this new way-of-being, centered and clear.

Wealth Practice # 21- Rich Attention

1.) Create a financial goal for yourself or your business that you want to achieve in the next 6-12 months. State it in dollars, be specific. Breathe into your rapid heartbeat as you write this desire down. Be calm. Now, double it!

2.) Next, write down all of the things that you want to do with this money. How will you spend and invest it? Fall in love with your intention. How will having these things benefit and impact others as well as yourself?

3.) Relax and breathe into this exercise anytime you feel resistance to the possibility of this goal coming true. You are stretching your desire muscle. You are growing into a greater reality from a new way-of-being, powerful, accepting, and loving, rather than fearful, forceful, and controlling.