Listen Now…
Have you planted plenty of seeds this year, (lots of hard work) yet they don’t seem to have produced the results that you expected? If this is true for you, you might be caught in the Law of Attraction Myths that will sabotage your results every time.
Myth # 1: If you allow your fearful thoughts and feelings to come up, you’ll create them.
Actually, the opposite is true. The truth is, if you resist or try to shove down your automatic, negative, fearful thoughts and feelings, you’ll just create what you don’t want. Your sub-conscious beliefs produce these thoughts. If you shove your feelings and thoughts down because you’re afraid of them, you are giving them power and credibility. This is a recipe for disaster and you’ll reap the fears you are trying to get rid of. Consequently, you’ll not become aware of your negative beliefs and they will continue to run your life.
What to do instead?
Feel the truth of your feelings and listen to your thoughts. They will inform you of your limiting, subconscious beliefs. Only then can you decide if these beliefs are serving you or not. Once you are aware of your negative, limiting beliefs, you can evaluate them and see them for the lies that they are.
Acceptance (non-resistance) is the antidote to your fears. Feeling your feelings and investigating your beliefs is the conscious path to freedom and choice. Acceptance and Truth create the fertile ground for your desires to grow and manifest.
Myth # 2: I should ignore my desires and be grateful for what I have. I should settle for what is and not be greedy.
This is actually your Saboteur’s way of keeping you in the familiar of what is known. It is the antithesis of growth. The truth is that your deepest desires are your Soul’s way of urging you into expansion and growth and to live from your true, abundant, and unconditional loving Self, your greatest and grandest version of YOU!
Giving into this Myth will ensure that you will live your life in resignation and resentment. It goes against your true nature. It will cause you to attract limiting circumstances and dead-end opportunities. You could reap money dramas and/or challenging relationships.
What to do instead?
Pay attention to what is in your heart that you truly desire. Give your desires top priority and make a decision to manifest them into your life. Do your personal growth work, and release the limiting beliefs that prevent your desires from manifesting. Align with your true Self and attract the abundance, prosperity and love that you are.
Myth # 3: I don’t need to ask for what I want. The Universe (God) will send me what is ‘right’ for me.
The reason this myth goes against your true nature is that your true nature has volition, free will. It is your right and responsibility to choose. The Law of Attraction can only match what you choose, feel, and believe in. It is a subjective law that has no volition. How can a subjective law choose what is right for you? Impossible.
Your authentic Source will, however, continue to guide you, through your desires, to the highest and best version of you. It is always your choice to follow your guidance or not.
What to do instead?
Be clear and honest with what you do want. Write it down. Commit to what you deeply desire. Claim your good because what you deeply desire already exists for you. Asking from a place of lack, as if you need to plead with the universe (God) to ‘please’ give you what you want, will keep your desires from manifesting. This myth keeps many people’s desires in limbo and out of sight.
Be bold, do your internal work. Upgrade your beliefs about what you deserve and who you really are. You are greater than you might think and you’re inherently deserving of the best that life has to offer. It is up to you to choose and claim it now!
To your prosperity, freedom & joy,
I am grateful for my wonderful clients – for they provide me with fun and creative projects that I can really sink my teeth into.
Judy, you ROCK!
Great article Judy! Thanks for “busting” these myths for us!
Judy – very glad you brought up the point that we have to ask! I meet so many spiritual entrepreneurs who forget to do that. Somehow we feel that “spirit knows best.” But *we* are spirit! We’re here to choose. Thanks for making this point so clearly. Happy Thanksgiving to you! Andrea