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Would you like to increase your cash flow? I don’t think there are too many people that would say no to that, do you? There are a couple of obvious things to do when you want to have more mon’ey in your bank account. First, you can increase your income by getting more clients and work, and second, you can decrease your spending so that what you make goes further, right?

These options make sense and seem simple enough, yet, mon’ey could be leaking out of your life in the form of surprising disguises. Regardless of how much money you’re bringing in, it could be sneaking out the back door. Conversely, no matter how tight you think you are holding onto your mon’ey, more mon’ey could be bypassing you altogether. Might this be happening to you? Do you ever experience feast or famine with your money?

You might be throwing money away or keeping it out of your life in ways that you are not consciously aware. There are five (5) places in your life where mon’ey leaks might be occurring. These leaks will be disguised as ‘other issues’ for you. These issues will seemingly appear to have no relevance to your money, yet they profoundly do! Remember, the way we do one thing is the way we do everything. The five (5) areas are:

  • Clutter – environment
  • Clutter – schedule
  • Clutter – your mental and emotional states
  • Clutter – relationships
  • Clutter – finances

Any one of these areas can keep mon’ey from coming into your life or cause money to leak out of your life without you even realizing how much and how fast it’s dwindling away. This is not good news, but, there is a way to turn this into good news!

While I could give you a checklist of what you can do to ‘clean up your space’, I imagine you already know what you need to do. This is easy enough to see. My clients who have this issue know they need to just file and put everything in its place, yet they have trouble doing this on a regular basis. So what is so hard about keeping your desk, office, home, and closets clear of the mess? AND, what does this have to do with keeping mon’ey out of your life? Plenty. . .

Think about the energy drain every time you look at a stack of unfiled papers or files that need your attention, or piles of paper that are intended to remind you that something needs to be taken care of. How prepared do you think you are to say YES to more business opportunities while you are buried under your cluttered desk, office, home, or car? It makes me tired just to think about this, how about you? Everything is energy, including all the stuff in your environment. Just imagine if everything lying around you made a sound, had its own language, and was desperately vying for your attention. Eek!@ Your surroundings would be very noisy. How could you think?

We never continue doing the same thing over and over without getting some sort of payoff. So, if you are buried in clutter, what is the payoff for having all of this around you? What might it be protecting you from? For some people, clutter and disorganization can actually keep them from feeling the fear that can comes from moving up and out into the unknown, or it can stop them from presenting themselves to others in a bolder way, risking rejection or embarrassment. There can be an emotional benefit from ‘not being ready yet.’ This may or may not be you. I just invite you to look deeply to see what the advantage could be to have clutter and disorganization in your life. Strange as this question is, the awareness will set you free!

Wealth Practice # 38 Releasing Clutter – Environment

  1. Pick an area in your home or office that you know has too much clutter. Do the introspective work as I suggested above. What do you fear if all of this ‘stuff’ was cleared out, organized, and cleaned up? What keeps you from asking for help in accomplishing this task?
  2. Decide today and begin. Commit to having a clean desk by the end of every day. Yes, every day. Create a new standard for yourself. I invite you to adopt one of mine. One (1) small pile of stuff is too much!
  3. Create a better system to remind you of what needs to be done rather than having piles ‘screaming’ all around you. There is most likely a lot of work that you need to delegate or eliminate. Make this a priority. It is stopping you from the wealth you desire.

Continued next. . . Clutter in your schedule.

Remember, we are what we practice.

Keep wealth as a priority and remember why you want to be wealthy.

“Dream it, own it, and make it REAL”

Judy K. Katz, MCC, RScP
Master Certified Coach, spiritual mentor