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Last week I identified how you might be throwing money away or keeping it out of your life in ways that you are not consciously aware. I identified five (5) areas in your life where money leaks might be occurring and how these leaks can be disguised as ‘other issues’ for you. These issues can seemingly appear to have no relevance to your money, yet, they profoundly do! Remember, the way you do one thing is the way you do everything. These five (5) areas are:

  • Clutter – environment
  • Clutter – schedule
  • Clutter – your mental and emotional states
  • Clutter – relationships
  • Clutter – finances

Any one of these areas can keep money from coming into your life or can cause money to leak out of your life without you realizing how much and how fast it’s dwindling away. This is not good news, but, there is a way to turn this around!

You never continue doing the same thing over and over without getting some sort of payoff. So, if you’re finding yourself pulled in every direction, trying to please everyone by accommodating their every demand, you are leaking money out of your life! Does your schedule get hijacked by seemingly important people, tasks, and innocent interruptions that seem small in the moment, yet they add up and consume your day? This happens to so many of us. Unfortunately, you don’t get to do what you truly want to do with your time, which is to help your clients and potential clients solve their most pressing problems, the ones they’re willing to pay premium dollars to have solved. Time is limited. Once today is gone, it never comes back.

There is a lot you can learn about yourself if you have clutter in your schedule. Clutter in your schedule may seemingly be protecting you from being vulnerable to others. By expressing yourself and exposing your work in a bolder way, you subject yourself to your imagined thoughts of ridicule and rejection by others. Think about it. If you are very busy handling all of the interruptions like email, phone calls, or requests for idle chit chat, etc., you have an excuse not to reach out and make an offer to help someone because you ran out of time in the day.

To really change your behaviors and not give in to your own or others’ attempts to hijack you with demands, expectations, and requests, you must first be aware of how you believe this practice seemingly keeps you out of harms way. You may perceive in the short term that you are safe and comfortable. However, if you are not growing your business by taking risks and stepping out of your comfort zone, like doing effective marketing and making offers and requests to others, your business will dwindle away because of the lack of energy and resources.

Having a steady stream of clients who are willing to pay you high dollars in exchange for the high value you give them is the result of making yourself available to serve them. The Universe knows if you are too busy to let more into your day, like high paying, appreciative clients. Your behavior speaks to the Universe and says, “Send me more task work like the work I am buried in each day.” Why? We get what we focus on. If you are focusing on menial task work which doesn’t utilize your brilliance, then task work is what you will generate and attract more of into your life. Clients will not be drawn to your crazy busyness. Energetically you can’t draw them to you or you to them. It defies the Law of Cause and Effect.

Wealth Practice # 39  Releasing Clutter – Schedule

  1. Clean your calendar for this next week. Decide what days you want to market yourself and your business. Schedule it! Make an appointment with your business generating activities. Chunk out several hours to adequately do your work. Mark out these times as if you were with someone.
  2. Decide what days you want to work with your clients. Designate these days to connect with potential clients and to serve your existing clients. Schedule it all.
  3. Write down the “Yeah buts” that scream at you at first. Make a note of the voices of sabotage in your head. Write them down; don’t act or negotiate with them.

Continued next. . . Clutter in your mental and emotional states.

Remember, we are what we practice.

Keep wealth as a priority and remember why you want to be wealthy.

“Dream it, own it, and make it REAL”

Judy K. Katz, MCC, RScP
Master Certified Coach, spiritual mentor