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Have you ever noticed that you get what you’re looking for? Life shows up exactly as we say it will. I have a saying, “You’ll see what you say you’ll see.” Our brain is designed to filter out the data that we don’t give our energy and attention to. For example, remember when you bought your last car? Didn’t you notice how many people suddenly seemed to own your car? Where did they all come from, out of the woodwork?

This amazing filter that we have in our brain is called the reticular activating system (RAS). It works like a radar tracking system much like the radar screens that track planes for air traffic controllers. For example, if a real estate agent repeatedly says there are no good buyers; guess what, they will pass up opportunities to engage with good buyers.

In their particular world, there would just not be enough good buyers, not because there aren’t any around, but, because they are not tracking them on their radar screen. By not having the faith and belief that good buyers do exist, their efforts, if any, would be undermined and would result in no ‘good buyer’ opportunities.

How do you know what you are tracking? Well, just look at the evidence that you talk about, pay attention to, and that you report on daily to your family, friends, and anyone who will listen. Your present financial condition is a product of your filtering mechanism. The relationships in your life, your general health and fitness, business opportunities, ideal clients for your products and services, etc. all reveal what you have placed on your subconscious radar screen.

It all feels so true, doesn’t it? After all, you have the evidence in plain sight. Or perhaps, it is in YOUR plain sight because you have consciously or subconsciously placed it there through your noticing and reporting. Evidence can support our beliefs and assumptions that we deeply hold to be true. The truth of the matter is, however, we have the evidence because of our beliefs and assumptions.

Our beliefs, assumptions, and subsequent attention determine what we track on our radar screen! This can be a curse when we don’t know this is true, or it can be a salvation and blessing. What do you want to see today? Imagine deciding that you will see kind people who demonstrate gratitude and cooperation. Would you like to begin noticing opportunities that could increase your business income and double your net profits in the next 6 months?

The ideas are endless. I do offer a word of caution. As you start to consciously look for what you say you now want from yourself and/or others, the old stuff you’ve been tracking will really show up and seemingly overcrowd your screen temporarily. This is a process in which you must diminish your judgments and attention on what you no longer want to track.

You will continue to get the old evidence until you have sufficiently refocused your attention on what you now want to show up in your life. This process does have a learning curve. Your response to the old will determine how easily and quickly the new results will start to show up.

You have deeply ingrained beliefs about why you get the results that you do, whether or not you deserve what you want, how hard you must work for what you want, etc. Be patient and kind with yourself as you begin changing what is on your radar screen.

Wealth Practice #25: Tracking your dreams and desires.

1. Notice your daily conversations. What do you assume and speak about often? Is this what you want? If not, stop tracking what you don’t want. Instead, speak about its opposite. Turn your unwanted evidence into a newly desired possibility!

2.) Suspend any judgments or condemnation for what you have been experiencing. Practice bleeping the old stuff off of your mental radar screen and replace it with something new. This can be a fun mind game to play. Be specific and clear about what you now want.

3.) Create a vision board and fill it with pictures of what you want. This can be a visual prop to help you refocus your attention. Each day, intend to see evidence of the new. Look for small signs throughout your day. Generate a feeling of expectancy by imagining that the Universe has placed what you want in the world already. It’s all here NOW!

Remember, we are what we practice.
