Weekly Words of Wisdom Q&A: Guidance, Direction, and Truth
For the conscious, heart-centered business owner, entrepreneur, and professional who is most likely working way too hard to BE the best that they can BE.
Master certified coach, Judy K. Katz, your manifesting and attraction authority and mentor, answers your most pressing questions for creating a life of meaning and purpose while enjoying wealth in all areas of your business and personal life.
To submit your question, please go to www.judykkatz.com/sage-advice
This week’s question comes from Ellen in Michigan.
I’m struggling with how to deal with my intense emotions, particularly around money and my money matters. Do you have any suggestions for me that can help me address my serious issues without avoiding them?
Oh yes, the emotions that show up around money challenges are very real and very difficult to process sometimes for sure. You are not alone with this dilemma, and I’m sure many people are relieved that you have asked this question.
When money issues show up and become a threat to your livelihood, like paying the bills or keeping a roof over your head, your survival mechanism kicks in and causes you to revert to your oldest and most practiced ways of dealing with matters that you perceive are threatening to your well being.
The trick is to learn how to most quickly and effectively bypass your survival mode, (your reactive unconscious self), so you can deal with your situation at hand from a place of consciousness and resourcefulness. Your reactive self only knows how to fight, flight, or freeze. It takes you over and rules your behaviors from fear.
Here is something that will truly help you get through your difficult situations and will stop your circumstances and difficult emotions from running your life!
The truth is, all of your emotions, difficult or pleasurable, serve you. To not feel and acknowledge certain emotions because you judge them to be “bad,” which subsequently causes you to try to get rid of them, is really your primary problem. Your emotions are your guidance and motivation for all that you do and say.
Let me explain. Let’s take anger for example. You might be like many women, myself included, who have been raised to value being nice and to not make waves. If something is not working the way that you would like, your conditioning causes you to disregard your feelings of fear, anger, or frustration, and to pretend that everything is okay. This pattern has you avoid your true feelings altogether. You’ll go up into your head, think about your feelings, and justify or rationalize your situation.
Consequently, you block out very important information that can help you resolve your problems. Dealing effectively with money matters demands that you feel the truth of your emotions. If you judge your negative emotions to be bad and try to gloss over the truth of how you feel, you will cause your difficult money problems to persist.
Your emotions lead you to action. Depending on whether you allow your emotions to guide and inform you on how you are representing your situation to yourself, or whether you let them run away with you as you remain unconscious to what is happening, your ultimate outcome will be determined accordingly.
Bottom line, I recommend that you do the following:
- Name the emotion (s) that you are experiencing, i.e sadness, anger, frustration, fear, etc. Be sure and refrain from any judgment.
- Ask yourself and reflect on what the emotion is telling you about how you are seeing yourself relative to your money issues. Notice if this activates your fight, flight or freeze reaction. Notice any judgments you might have about yourself or others and decide to set them aside.
- Rather than taking actions to avoid your feelings by eating, shopping, creating a massive to-do list that keeps you really busy, yet gets you no where fast, or blaming others, sit with your emotions, feel them in your body, and let them inform you of your core patterns of thought that are repeating with you and money. Most likely, (99.9%) these thoughts, rules, and beliefs that have been running you will not be true at all.
- You will come to a place inside of you that is still and peaceful as you accept and feel these emotions in your body without judgment. The absence of resistance will bring you peace, together with your conscious awareness of your thoughts that are producing your emotions.
- Note: It is NEVER the situation that produces your emotions. It is ALWAYS how you are representing your situation to yourself that produces your emotions. This isn’t always easy to hear, yet it is the Truth, and the Truth will set you free!
For further information and assistance in gaining peace, clarity, and resourcefulness with your current financial issues, please contact me to schedule a consultation and discover your next most powerful steps to learn what emotions you might be resisting that are perpetuating your difficult financial matters. My best to you for all of the peace, abundance, and joy that you deserve!
In love and abundance,
“Dream it, own it, and make it REAL”
P.S. This is a weekly no-cost program that is open to everyone! Each week, I’ll personally respond to a question that I believe in my heart will help the most people. (You may choose to remain anonymous if you wish.)
It is my heartfelt intention that, in answering your questions, I will provide you with perspectives and Universal Truths that, when adopted and applied in your life, will set you free to attract what you want from a place of abundance and inspiration, rather than urgency and desperation.
Simply submit YOUR pressing question to Weekly Words of Wisdom Q&A: Guidance, Direction, and Truth
P.P.S. Would you like to help me spread the word about this program? Is there someone you care about who is stuck, challenged from set backs, or who is struggling to make significant improvements in their business or personal life? If so, I would very much like to help them, too. Regardless of their predicament, their question will help many others who might be struggling with a similar challenge. This is true for you, too!
You are so sweet and I appreciate your beautiful comments. Thank you, and I am so very glad that you are here too! I ditto your words right back to you!!!
~Love, Judy
Judy – you have such a way of expressing empathy, wisdom, kindness, brilliance and strength – all at the same time! I am so glad you are HERE. Love, Andrea