In our evolving world today, many people are striving to practice personal responsibility, being responsible for one’s own actions and results. This ideal has been endorsed and taught throughout the personal achievement circles for, well, eons of time. I know, for one, I take pride in believing that I’m living my life from a place of personal responsibility. Having said that, I ask myself, “Do I really?” And further more, “Do I carry it through to being personally responsible for my own feelings and results, or is that where I get tripped up and draw the line?”

Have you ever noticed, particularly when you feel exhausted and low on energy, that it seems like other people close to you in your business or personal life just aren’t doing their share to help you? Are you bringing in much more money than your partner, or are you doing more work than others seem to be doing? This is not a problem unless you feel resentful for it. Then it IS a problem.

If you do have these agonizing thoughts and feelings of resentment, something deeper could be hijacking your well-intentioned ideal to be personally responsible for your actions, feelings, and your results. That something could be opposing your true need and desire to be honored and cared for. If you ignore this need and you don’t take care of yourself, you can’t attract it from others. Make sense? Now, that is the ultimate responsibility, don’t you think?

Hidden beliefs that suggest that we can’t have, or we shouldn’t have, financial help or emotional support from others can often cause us to do one of two things. We look for ways to justify why we deserve help. We might expect other’s support through special treatment, pricing discounts, or freebies, or we over-give special treatment, discounts and freebies to others. Either way, we come up short.

Can you relate to this in your business or in your personal life? Are you feeling resentful about your lack of support, or do you notice that you tend to attract clients or customers who expect you to discount your fees to help them out?

This kind of activity in our business and personal life can thwart our intentions to be wealthy. Can you see where I am going with this? Believing that you don’t deserve to be valued and treated accordingly will only attract people to you that don’t have the resources or inclination to value your products and services in a way that fully supports your business in doing business.

Our feelings of resentment are really telling us that something is not okay with us. It is, in fact, our belief that is not okay. We are extremely valuable and it is our personal responsibility to take care of ourselves and our business. If we don’t do that and we expect others to, we will only attract from others, the way that we are treating ourselves. Not good! So let’s change that.

Wealth Practice # 15

1. Take stock in your personal and business life. Where are you feeling resentful? How are you not taking care of yourself? Where do you have boundary violations?

2. Decide now. You are worthy, valuable, and ready to receive valuable compensation for your gifts to the world. You are ready to receive the support for what you need. You are worth it! Brilliance, intelligence, and love is expressing through you. Own it and let it come back to you, now!

3. Make one change this week that demonstrates you have increased your inner value regarding your business (you know what you need to do) and, make one change that demonstrates your ability to receive support for what you need emotionally.

4. Make a public commitment, and declare this to someone you trust. Allow yourself to receive support for your new way-of-being and your subsequent inspired actions. By saying this aloud, you bring it into the world!

Remember, we are what we practice!
Keep wealth as a priority and remember why you want to be wealthy.

“Dream it, own it, and make it REAL”