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Did you ever make a New Year’s resolution to finally save money, lose weight, exercise, or clean up the clutter in your home or work environment? Do you remember how determined you were to stay committed to the end? Then, what happened after a short while? If you’re like most of us, you probably fell back into your old ways of living and working. If this doesn’t happen to you and it isn’t a problem for you, then you need not read any further. However, if you do get caught in this yoyo back-and-forth trap of two steps forward and 5 steps back, I have some very exciting news for you.

Perhaps, you’ve been trying to make a change without experiencing a transformation. Transformation is needed in order to truly change your subconscious habits and beliefs. It is required for your personal growth; and, without your personal growth, you won’t experience authentic business growth, either.

I have discovered that there are four (4) essential elements that must be present if you want to benefit from the powerful, organic energy of transformation, rather than the forced, pushed, or pressured energy that comes from desperation and insurmountable deadlines and commitments.

  1. Awareness of current reality
  2. Awareness of ideal reality
  3. Acceptance-non-resistance
  4. Heat- energy-emotion

I am not submitting that inspired action, having a plan, acquiring resources, etc. is not an important part of authentic change. The fact is, all of these things are assured with transformation. If you attempt to take action, implement your plan, etc., without having these four (4) essential key elements, you will eventually fall back into your yo-yo roller coaster ride for sure. Just recall some of the actions that you’ve taken in the past, the ones you didn’t do long enough to reach your intended outcomes. We have all faced this dilemma from time to time. I know I have for sure! This can lead to frustration, or worse, resignation.

It is very easy to feel driven to take some kind of action when you feel desperate. Unfortunately, desperation does not include two of the four key elements in order to realize a true transformation for what you want. Can you guess which two? How about # 2 and # 3 ? Ideal Reality and Acceptance. Desperation usually has a threat behind it, one that evokes our fight or flight response to an existing situation, real or perceived. Our fight or flight reactions do not support transformation. They are good for short-term danger, yet they lead us back to the same old results. This can become very disappointing after a while, don’t you agree?

My next four weeks are dedicated to bringing you through this process. This week, I’m focusing on key element # 1, awareness of current reality.

Wealth Practice # 32 – Current Reality

  1. Pick an area in your life that you want a transformation in. i.e. health, finances, business, etc.
  2. Write down the facts about your current reality in this particular area of your life. i.e. your business income is . . ., your debt is . . ., your bank balance is . . ., your monthly expenses are . . ., etc.
  3. Now, name the emotions that you feel as you tell the truth about your current reality? Can you feel them fully or do you block them? i.e.,frustration, numbness, fear, anger, sadness, etc. Just notice what is possible for you and don’t judge it!

Remember, we are what we practice.

Keep wealth as a priority and remember why you want to be wealthy.

“Dream it, own it, and make it REAL”

Judy K. Katz, MCC, RScP
Master Certified Coach, spiritual mentor