Weekly Words of Wisdom Q&A: Guidance, Direction, and Truth
For the conscious, heart-centered business owner, entrepreneur, and professional who is most likely working way too hard to BE the best that they can BE.
Master certified coach, Judy K. Katz, your manifesting and attraction authority and mentor, answers your most pressing questions for creating a life of meaning and purpose while enjoying wealth in all areas of your business and personal life.
This week’s question comes from someone who wishes to remain anonymous.
You speak a lot about changing one’s relationship with money as a way to improve their current finances. What exactly do you mean, relationship with money, and how would I change my relationship with money?
Thank you so much for your question. Thinking about money in terms of being in a relationship isn’t the way we normally think about it. Yet, we relate with everything in our life experience, be it a person, the earth, our car, and our money. We are in relationship with it all. Think of yourself as a relationship partner with everything you come in contact with to some degree or another.
So how do you know if you need to change as a relationship partner with money and how exactly do you do that? I have just the thing for you.
First of all, look at your bank balances, your debt balance(s), your paid and unpaid invoices, your income, your savings and investments. These are the aspects of money that you are in relationship with specifically. Rate the quality of each aspect from 1-10, 10 being great, 1 being just awful. Now, this is the quality of your relationship with this particular aspect of money. Each aspect means something a little differently. This is why I have broken it down this way. You have relationships with multiple aspects of money.
If your ratings are less than 8, it is time to admit that you and this particular aspect of money need to change. You need to become much better friends, in fact, you need to be the best of friends! Some people like to think of their relationship as two lovers in love.
It only takes one person to change in a relationship for the whole relationship to change! That is good news for you since you never really have control over other people, places, things, or even money.
Let’s take income as the particular aspect of money that you would like to become best friends with. If your income isn’t flowing to you in a consistent way, if you experience feast or famine, or if money only comes to you when you are in trouble and you’re about to lose everything, these situations will reveal to you what you believe about your ability to receive and/or how much value you believe that you have, particularly in the business world.
How do you react to the inconsistent flow of income in your life, and how does it make you feel? Chances are, you might feel very stressed out and triggered to react in a fight/flight/freeze survival pattern. This could be a response similar to your conflict response in other relationships. You become a reactive partner when things get tough.
Do you become a victim to your income and blame other people for not seeing your value or do you blame circumstances (economy) for it not showing up? Perhaps you expect money to show up because you demanded that it would because, after all, you worked so hard for it, therefore, it should reward you. You could be sabotaging yourself by not reaching out and asking for what you want and need from a place of knowing it is there for you.
Tap into that part of yourself that can respond to stress from a position of peace and strength, not conflict. You must realize that it is your reaction to your current circumstance with money, which is who you are being, that creates your next experience.
Appreciate and know that the energy of money flows to where it is appreciated, paid attention to, and wanted. This seems rather simple, yet, so many of my clients have discovered that this is where they have blocked their income from coming to them.
All significant change must first begin as an inside job, the job of becoming a loving and appreciative relationship partner, just as you would in any relationship. Just as you would like to be treated yourself!
My best to you for all of the success, prosperity, and joy that you deserve!
In love and abundance,
“Dream it, own it, and make it REAL”
P.S. This is a weekly no-cost program that is open to everyone! Each week, I’ll personally respond to a question that I believe in my heart will help the most people. (You may choose to remain anonymous if you wish.)
It is my heartfelt intention that, in answering your questions, I will provide you with perspectives and Universal Truths that, when adopted and applied in your life, will set you free to attract what you want from a place of abundance and inspiration, rather than urgency and desperation.
Simply submit YOUR pressing question to Weekly Words of Wisdom Q&A: Guidance, Direction, and Truth
P.P.S. Would you like to help me spread the word about this program? Is there someone you care about who is stuck, challenged from set backs, or who is struggling to make significant improvements in their business or personal life? If so, I would very much like to help them, too. Regardless of their predicament, their question will help many others who might be struggling with a similar challenge. This is true for you, too!
Thank you for your comments about seeing the importance of being an appreciative relationship partner with money. It really works, as it does in all relationships! Who we are being in any relationship makes all the difference in how healthy that relationship is, doesn’t it?
And, I really appreciate you my dear friend!!!!!
Judy –
What an awesome and clear explanation of our relationship to money. Thank you so much. I love thinking about money in relationship terms. And knowing that – as in any relationship – lack of appreciation creates barriers and blocks (and that I have the ability to choose appreciation). This is all very good news!