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How easy is it for you to make changes in your life? Life certainly helps us along from time to time and imposes change upon us. Yet, once you have made the decision to make a change, say you want to lose weight, or you want to increase your business and your net income, etc., how easy is it for you to make the changes you believe you need to make and sustain them over time?

The enthusiasm and determination which often comes with an initial decision to make a change does carry us for awhile. It is that wonderful ‘start up’ energy that I am so personally fond of! However, it doesn’t take long for our little habits and demons to show up soon after we begin to make the very changes we have committed to make.

Want an easier way? I sure did. I found that by making little changes, which may have nothing to do with what I’m aiming for, put me in the mode of change itself! It’s amazing to notice how easy it is to fall into a routine, isn’t it? It happens so fast with very little effort.

By making insignificant changes that are easy, you can create the momentum for change itself to happen. You can then introduce new ways of thinking, being, and acting that are necessary to bring about the change that you really want. The more difficult changes can then be introduced within the context of change itself! Now, that is the path of least resistance!

I had been stuck in an area of my business that I just couldn’t seem to get past. I continued to do the same thing day in and day out, getting the same results. Insanity comes from this you know. I decided to do the opposite from what my daily routine looked like. I changed what I ate for breakfast; I walked my little dog in the morning rather than the afternoon, etc. I changed really easy stuff that didn’t really have anything to do with what I was committed to doing in my business. However, much to my delight, I have naturally begun making the changes that I’ve needed to make with ease.

My perception about what is possible is clear for me now. I had previously gone through a period of fuzziness which hung over me for way too long. I have noticed that life looks simple again, not such a ‘big harry deal,’ if you know what I mean! I am now accepting and making the changes that will make a difference in me achieving what I want and desire. I can feel that sort of “bring it on” attitude! Would you like your changes to be easier too?

Wealth Practice #23 – Change

1.) I invite you to change your daily routine in some way this next week. Eat something different for breakfast, lunch, or dinner. Pick something easy to do. Just make a change.

2.) Notice your routine as you drive to your office or someplace that you typically go. Change your route. Be different for the sake of change itself. Put yourself in the ‘mode of change’ and notice if it becomes easier to make the more challenging changes, like paying attention to your finances more fully, saving money rather than spending it, eating healthy to support your desired weight.

Whatever it is for you, pay attention to making your new changes with ease rather than struggle and force!

Remember, we are what we practice! Practice change.