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In a time when personal growth and development is so prevalent, do you find yourself reaching for the next greater, bigger thing, seemingly, just for the sake of reaching for something greater and bigger? This may sound funny coming from someone who writes about expanding, growing, and dreaming bigger. The truth is we are subject to our own natural growth, a natural cycle that, I think, is quite a mystery.

How can we possibly think that we’re really in charge of our own natural growth? Do we force ourselves to get taller when we are kids growing up? Do we force our teeth to loosen and fall out? Do we force our permanent teeth to grow in place of the baby teeth that fall out? Well, the obvious answer is NO.

We do not control our natural growth. We can make ridiculous attempts that stunt our growth and keep us from living an optimum, healthy life. Yet, we are not in charge of our natural inclination to grow.

I think this is true for our personal and business life, as well as our physical body. As humans, we all feel a natural inclination to have our life be better, to make a greater contribution to something or someone, to demonstrate more of who we are. Our life’s challenges, problems, and pain are merely growing pains. They are not so different from the growing pains of a new tooth erupting or the labor pains of a new baby being born.

Pain is life’s signal that we are growing. How often do you ignore your signal of pain by drowning it out with popular addictions or some sort of soothing activity? This is how we stifle our natural growth, which, incidentally, turns into suffering; resisting our growing pains does turn into suffering.

So, are you ignoring the growing pains that life is presenting you? Is your bank account too small to meet the needs of paying your bills on time? Is it difficult for you to give in ways that your heart would like to contribute? Do you long to do rewarding work, yet you continue to convince yourself that you can’t listen to your soul and do what you truly feel called to do? Is there conflict in your life? Do you long to be treated with love and respect?

This list could go on and on. I find that when I look at what I might be jealous or envious of; this is a signal that I need to allow my own natural growth to occur. I ask myself, “Do I need to believe more in myself and claim my own self worth? Do I need to allow more good to come into my life? Is the life I am living too tight, too safe, and too small?”

Just as our shoes feel too tight once our feet have grown, I believe our life will show up too small and we will feel bored and anxious because we are growing into a greater, grander version of who we really are.

These questions can reveal where you might be stunting your growth with you own limiting beliefs about what you deserve and what you can accomplish. Feeling the pain that screams you are not living up to your full potential should not be mistaken for your ego that screams, “I need to prove that I am enough.” Our ego seeks to accomplish for the purpose of looking better than others, to prove its own self worth.

Our soul seeks to demonstrate the greatness that we already are. Our inner self will naturally demonstrate in the outer world of form. This is the natural flow of energy. Demonstrating who we are is quite different from proving who we wish we could be.

What painful or uncomfortable circumstances are you experiencing right now that represent your shoes that are too tight, if you will, because you have grown? Take stock of what’s not working and see if it might be a clue to a deeper learning and growing that you have not been paying attention to. Do you need to believe in yourself more and take a risk by investing in yourself and your business? What might you need to let go of that no longer serves your values and your needs? Where are you playing too small in your life?

Wealth Practice #27 Embrace the Growing Pains

  1. Identify three situations that you are presently uncomfortable with. You might be tolerating these situations.
  2. Given that these three situations could be your shoes that are too tight, what growing is occurring within you that you need to pay attention to? In what ways do you need to see yourself bigger and better? Where are you stifling your growth by saying no to possibilities?
  3. How would this growth positively affect your business and personal life? In what ways would your financial security, health and well being, and your relationships be improved if you embraced your growth and validated your desires?

Remember, we are what we practice.

Keep wealth as a priority and remember why you want to be wealthy.

“Dream it, own it, and make it REAL”
