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I previously exposed how you might be throwing money away or keeping it out of your life in ways that you are not consciously aware of. I identified five (5) areas in your life where money leaks might be occurring and how these leaks can be disguised as ‘other issues’ for you. These issues can seemingly appear to have no relevance to your money, yet, they profoundly do! Remember, the way you do one thing is the way you do everything.

These five (5) areas are:

  • Clutter – environment
  • Clutter – schedule
  • Clutter – your mental and emotional states
  • Clutter – relationships
  • Clutter – finances

Any one of these areas can keep money from coming into your life or can cause money to leak out of your life without you realizing how much and how fast it’s dwindling away. This is not good news, but, there is a way to turn this around!

This week’s focus is on how your mental (belief system) and emotional states can certainly be a cause for money leaks in your life. The clutter in your beliefs and the emotions that are associated with them are the primary cause of all other clutter in your life. The clutter inside of you creates the clutter outside of you. You may know this intellectually; however, if you have any of the outer clutter, most assuredly you are being run by old limiting beliefs that are not serving you.

I love the subject of money because, from a personal growth perspective, it tends to strike a chord for many of our limiting beliefs, not just the ones specifically about money, but beliefs about ourselves. At the end of the day, who we think we are and what we believe we deserve, are two fundamental beliefs that impact everything else.

These old beliefs can cause us to doubt our capability to earn huge sums of money, to deny that we deserve plenty, to not value our work and be paid well, and to fear that we are not worthy to be loved and cared for. The subject of money can also illuminate the negative belief that we are never good enough. This list of old clutter can go on and on.

You most likely have an awareness that your limiting beliefs do cause many of the money leaks that may be showing up. This is not new news. However, just knowing this information will not change the reality that your clutter of self doubt and unworthiness are causing money to leak or flow out of your life. So, how can you change and become a magnet to attracting and keeping more money in your life? Well, you do have to do the inner work. Fortunately, peaceful awareness, in the world of transformation, goes a very long way!

Many self-help courses and professionals in the field of personal growth, myself included, have offered hundreds of methods in which we can either change or obliterate our negative beliefs. If you find that these methods have worked for you, I sincerely encourage you to apply them and change your beliefs that are cluttering your mind regarding mon’ey. However, in case the process of changing your beliefs has become overwhelming and frustrating, I offer you something different to consider and to practice, (as if your life depended on it).

I offer you my four (4) P’s to Prosperity formula for releasing your mental clutter:

  1. Peaceful acceptance of your limiting beliefs
  2. Passionate acceptance of your desire to be rich
  3. Powerful intention to be of beneficial service to others using your talents, abilities, and interests
  4. Persistent focus on how the power of Universal Principles work in and through you at all times.

Wealth Practice # 40 – Releasing Clutter – Mental States

  1. Peaceful Acceptance: Decide now that you are going to let go of any attempts to resist and begrudge your old beliefs. They are what they are, yet, you do need to be aware of them consciously. Write them down. Breathe, relax.
  2. Passionate Acceptance to be Rich: Write down 5 things that you would like to do with mon’ey in the next 6 months; things that you don’t currently have the ready cash for, not credit, but cash. Breathe, relax.
  3. Powerful Intention to be of beneficial service to others: Write down 10 issues that you know people are struggling with. Name 20 of your strengths, talents, and interests that would help them grow out of these issues and have what they want.
  4. Persistent Focus on Universal Principles: Cultivate your awareness in how Universal Principles are working for you in your life right now.

Please contact me to schedule a free consultation to discover your next most powerful steps to release the clutter in your life.

Continued next. . . Clutter in your relationships

Remember, we are what we practice.

Keep wealth as a priority and remember why you want to be wealthy.

“Dream it, own it, and make it REAL”

Judy K. Katz, MCC, RScP
Master Certified Coach, spiritual mentor